Fps Boosting Faithful PvP Texture Pack

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published January 29, 2016
Updated: January 29, 2016
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published January 29, 2016
Updated: January 29, 2016

FPS Boost Texture Pack and Fps Boosting Faithful PvP Texture Pack is a very good texture pack to use for when you need to increase your game’s performance to kick serious butt online. PvP Texture Pack FPS Boosting Faithful was made for all people that love Faithful but suffer from the low FPS-rates they get because of a bad computer. But in many cases using faithful in combination with Optifine can fix that problem.

With this Texturepack Cods released a pretty nice faithful texture pack edit that can improve your fps rate. It is based on the famous “Faithful” Texture Pack. However, many people think that the original faithful swords are way too long for PvPing. The Faithful Edit we will present you today features PvP suitable swords.


This texture pack is dedicated for the purpose of giving you badass looking swords which are perfect for PvP combat. It has also optimized textures and particles to help you get that extra boost in FPS for super dynamic PvP action. It is recommended to try out FPS Boost Texture Pack if you want to dominate PvP.

If you are interested in Faithful packs, be sure to also check out these awesome packs.


Faithful 1.14 – FPS Boosting Texture Pack

Faithful texture packs have been known throughout the world of Minecraft to deliver great aesthetics combined with amazing performance boosts. This is the main reason why plenty of PvP UHC players tend to use faithful packs. Minecraft 1.14 features multiple new dynamics and additions to the game. This includes the new mobs called pillagers which will try to attack you and your bases as they try to kill you and loot your items.

Faithful 1.14 will increase the overall performance for you adding valuable FPS to your game. This can benefit you while playing creative mode and survival mode as it can help you load the game faster and improve reaction time.

Faithful 1.14 also benefits those who play multiplayer especially UHC PvP players who love to fight and kill other players. With Faithful 1.14 – FPS Boosting Texture Pack in your arsenal you are given the extra advantage of close to zero lag. This will give you the upper hand as you slay opponents!

You can now download the best FPS Boosting Pack for Minecraft 1.14 by clicking the link below.

Top 10 Faithful PvP Texture Packs

As you already have known there are literally thousands of Faithful texture packs each with its different percentages of being faithful. They also vary from their performance boosts and the way they modify the game and change the overall dynamics.

We have summarized it all for you! No need to scavenge through thousands and thousands of texture packs to select which are the best faithful packs which can help you make your gaming experience better complete with details.

Click below to see the top 10 Faithful packs for you!

Watch our Top 5 FPS Boost Texture Packs

Aside from this texture, there are also other packs which have proven their dynamics to significantly increase your game’s performance and give you double, triple or even more FPS than before simply by installing the texture pack.

We have compiled the top 5 best of the best FPS boosting PvP Texture packs for your heart’s content.

Fps Boost Texture Pack – Faithful Review – 5 over 5 stars

FPS Boost Texture Pack - 5 star rating

Faithful texture packs are already known by the Minecraft universe to successfully increase the response time of your game. They have been reported to make the game run better and significantly improve your overall gaming experience. However, this texture pack takes the cake on the means of improving FPS.

This texture pack made by Cad’s was significantly edited from the original faithful to suite and make it better for PvP! This is one of the reasons why it has more PvP suitable swords plus the extra reduction with fire and particles. It not only looks rad, but it’s also one of the best FPS boost texture pack available.

We gave this faithful pack a perfect 5 stars despite it being an Edit from the original Faithful. This is because it has made the lives of fellow Minecraft players better by helping them make the game run faster. This in return has given countless players a little edge making it one of the most perfect packs for PvP.


How to install this Fps Boosting Faithful PvP Texture Pack

We recommend the 4-step installation below

1. Install the Optifine HD Mod
2. Run Minecraft.
3. Navigate from “options” > “Resource Packs” > “Open resource packs folder”.
4. Put the FPS boosting PvP Texture Pack (zip) in the folder that just opened.

When you launch Minecraft just click on the Resource Packs button to display your installed Packs. If you need additional help, please leave a comment below! The community will try to help you if you are still having problems getting the Texture Pack to work.

If you need some additional help, please leave a comment below! The community will try to help you if you are still having problems getting the Texture Pack to work.

Fps Boosting Faithful PvP Texture Pack Download

Fps Boosting Faithful PvP Texture Pack optimized for higher fps-rates.

Download below:


Source/Submitted by Cods.

4.4/5 - (83 votes)

Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

  • uh i tried downloading it but it directs me to internet explorer and not file explorers so its just messing it up how do i fix it?

    • Hey there,
      bro, all you need to do is click the download link,
      it’s literally below the heading which says “Fps Boosting Faithful PvP Texture Pack Download”

  • I put the .rar file in the folder, and when I went in game the resource pack didn’t show up. Please help. Am I supposed to make the .rar file a .zip file or something?

    • Hi there,

      you might need to unzip the zipped file inside the zipped file, the just re-zip only the contents of the zipped file with the assets files others.

    • drop that .rar to (appdata->roaming->.minecraft->resouspack)
      Then play your game (esc->option->resourspack)
      choose your resourspack 😀

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}
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