Top 3 Fastest Minecraft Texture Packs 

 Last Modified May 16, 2022

 Published May 15, 2022

By  Peter Schwartz

Top 3 Fastest Minecraft Texture Packs - main 1

We have gathered all of our resources and brainstormed with our team to bring the Top 3 Fastest Minecraft Texture Packs to help players decide which packs can actually make a difference in terms of performance and speed.

There are literally thousands of packs claiming to help you optimize your frame rates per second however there are only a few hundred that can actually do it.


Some of the packs are already cult-classics but in the spirit of discovery, we are only covering packs that are not yet known.

Do know that most if not all of the packs in this list belong to the FPS boosting texture pack category and were usually designed for PvP.


What are FPS Boosting Texture Packs

FPS Boosting texture packs are, as their name suggests, designed to improve your FPS.

They do this by reducing the resolution of your textures and removing any excess detail that is not needed.

This type of pack was designed to improve your FPS by reducing the resolution of your textures and the result is a much more streamlined game that runs smoother and faster.

FPS boosting texture packs are usually made for PvP purposes as every little advantage counts in a fight.

This is one of the reasons why plenty of players tend to use this type of pack in PvP servers and game modes especially if they have slower computers.

All of the packs listed on the Top 3 fastest Minecraft texture packs list belong under this category.

Top 3 Fastest Minecraft Texture Packs

There are several lists in the world that claim to have the best performing texture packs however we have spent countless hours delivering to you our very strong list.

We have gathered information based on forums, and community boards and even tested them all for ourselves to fully determine the best of the best.

Without further ado here are the top 3 fastest Minecraft texture packs.

Fifth Form 16x FPS Pvp Texture Pack 1.8.9 - 1

Released only recently, the Fifth Form 16x is one of the newest packs on this list. It was designed with PvP in mind and it really shows in its feature set.

The Fifth Form 16x is a great choice for anyone looking for an FPS boost without sacrificing too much detail.

The pack comes with a custom resource pack that has been designed to make the game run smoother and faster.

It features Navy blue-themed retextures which are been optimized to the bones to make sure that you can get the most beneficial FPS boost that you can possibly have.

We ranked this pack as 3rd in our list of the top 3 fastest Minecraft texture packs because of its great balance between improved FPS and better PvP appearance.

GrandeFps 1.8.9 PvP Texture Pack - 2

The GrandeFps is a fantastic texture pack that has been designed to improve your FPS without making too many sacrifices in terms of appearance.

The pack comes with a lower resolution of 16x which makes it one of the fastest possible options that you can choose from.

It also comes with a heavily optimized resource pack that makes sure that you get the best possible FPS boost.

The textures have been designed to be as light as possible without compromising on quality or appearance.

This makes the GrandeFps an excellent choice for anyone looking to get a significant FPS boost without sacrificing too much in terms of quality.

GrandeFPS features green-based retextures which makes it unique. It is ranked two on our list of the top 3 fastest Minecraft texture packs.

Dark Pixels 8x PvP Texture Pack Super FPS 1.8.9

The number 1 position in the top 3 fastest Minecraft texture packs is definitely going to be a pack that has made a name for itself.

Despite being relatively new this pack has already started to rival some of the cult classics which have been in existence for nearly a decade.

This pack features semi-gothic color schemes and palette making it highly aesthetic while at the same time very fast.

It is very efficient to use this pack as a PvP Texture pack as it will give you boosts in speed to help you make that quick dodge or dish out that extra slash.

5/5 - (3 votes)

Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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