With pretty much every gamer on YouTube having gaming set-ups, it made having high-spec devices at home Mainstream. Most players don't need FPS boosting packs anymore to improve their game's performance. Even casual gamers want to have High resolutions for their games. Minecraft is no exception. So to provide you with what we need, we have dug deep once again to bring you the Top 128x resource packs for Minecraft.
The amazing amount of players who want to increase the overall aesthetics of Minecraft is outstanding. They want to replace the default textures of the game with something which has higher pixel sizes. It is true though, it's easier to love the game when it looks good. Let's dive in!
What are 128x Resource Packs
It is a resource resolution size for Minecraft which has a resolution of 128 pixels per block or simply stated as "128x". This means that if your current default resource pack has 16 pixels per block, this HD resource pack will have 256 times better textures than your old one since it will use 256 pixels per block. The immense difference is amazing. However, so is the memory usage. Do expect it to affect performance.
You can google other types of resolution such as 32x or 64x but keep in mind that higher numbers such as these are not really needed from us nor recommended by many players because it may cut down some FPS while playing the game. But if you have an awesome gaming set-up then there's no need to worry at all.
The Top 128x Resource Packs for Minecraft
Our team of hardworking Minecraft fanatics have gathered once again to bring to you the best of the best. We have compiled the Top 128x resource packs based from the number of downloads, the number of users, and how many people are talking about it on several forums. The scores have been tallied.
Here are the Top 128x resource packs for Minecraft!

Back in the days, everyone wanted to use 16x PvP texture packs with low resolutions to improve the performance of their devices. However, these days since pretty much every gamer has a good gaming set-up you can run 128x even for PvP purposes with ease. You'd still get that 200+ FPS without breaking a sweat.
We ranked Shouble V2 as our number 5 top 128x resource pack for Minecraft due to it's amazing FPS despite having 128x resolution. It also has great weapon and armor designs fit for some hardcore PvP action.

Although most of the time Faithful usually ends up on top of the list, the 128x variant isn't. This is because with such a high resolution, you can already progress even further in terms of overall beautification of Minecraft. However, for purists who just want to make the "faithful" textures crisp and smooth then this is definitely one of the top picks.
We ranked this resource pack number 4 on our list of the top 128x resource packs due to it's popularity. Although from all faithful packs this is one of the least downloaded, it still has amazing value when it comes to improving the overall look of Minecraft.

Another PvP Texture pack from our list. This amazing pack isn't your typical retexture which just replaces the weapons and armor sets. It actually immerses more. It modifies a desirable amount of blocks and textures to make the game look more fitting for slaying players.
We ranked this faithful edit PvP texture pack as the number 3 top 128x resource pack for Minecraft due to it's great details and amazing particle effects. It will surely add more gameplay hours to Minecraft, especially if you are a PvP head.

If you are a fan of oriental themed then this texture pack is definitely for you! Welcome to the time of Samurai and Shoguns! Woocraft fully replaces the theme of Minecraft to make it look like you are surviving and mining in the times of the Japanese warlords. It adds samurai armor and weapons. Not to mention it makes the architecture and artwork also Japanese themed.
We ranked this resource pack as the number 2 top 128x resource pack due to it's amazing concept. The designs and details of all the textures are just amazing. It overhauls the game and makes it so much better. Definitely worth downloading and trying.

When you talk about aesthetics then Firewolf 3D definitely has a lot to put on the plate. It's amazing improvements to the game are just breathtaking. From downloading this pack, you can quickly observe how different and beautiful it changes everything. Also since it's 3D, no more paper cut-out looks for your inventory and items. Combined with any Top Shader for Minecraft it's surely going to make the game look Amazing.
We ranked this resource pack as the top 128x resource pack for Minecraft due to the amazing beauty and details that it has. It makes the game absolutely look so much better than before and it works like a charm in terms of performance. For the value that it brings to the table, it does not eat up a lot of space. Not to mention it is talked about by plenty of players in forums.
Key Takeaway
No matter what type of pack you like, you can't deny the fact that using an HD resolution pack such as 128x resolution ones can make the game look better. It smoothens out the entire visuals and graphics of Minecraft, and makes it even more playable than before. Although not to the point of making Minecraft look realistic, it does have it's own appeal.
We wanted to give everyone the opportunity of using these packs and luckily we've done just that. If you like playing the game with HQ resource packs, then you should know about how awesome these pack resolution really is.
All in all it depends on how much you love playing with that particular resource pack. Pick only those which you really feel has a connection with your playing style and enjoy it. But, if in any case you might want to keep downloading packs, no worries, we have buckets of them. Download a pack, install it, and enjoy! Game on!