Woocraft x128 1.17.1 Asian Resource Pack

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published July 23, 2021
Updated: July 23, 2021
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published July 23, 2021
Updated: July 23, 2021

The overall demand for higher resolution resource packs have been increasing. This is due to Minecraft players getting better and better devices. Resource packs with high definition such as Woocraft 128x 1.17.1 help fill that gap inside the hearts of Minecraft players all over the world.

Some other players have gone to the extent of utilizing 512x resource packs. These packs are way more heavier in terms of resources required. However, it does pay it off with amazingly smooth visuals and super well done details.

What is Woocraft x128 1.17.1


Woocraft 128x is a resource pack for Minecraft which modifies the overall look of the game and transform it into something which came from Japan. It was created by kyctarniq. It modifies most textures but at the same time plenty of blocks still use the default textures of the game.

The overall theme of this resource pack is to make the game seem like it is from the land of the rising sun during the age of Samurai. It is highly immersive for Anime fans and Japanese themes fans alike. You can use it for immersive solo play, and even treat it as a PvP texture pack due to the amazing details and looks of the armor and weapons.


Is 128x Woocraft 1.17.1 Worth the Download

We highly recommend this texture pack to anyone who loves playing roles. Although it isn't an RPG pack, it does have it's own vibes. Purist might also find it fun as some of the main blocks and mobs remain faithful to how the game was originally designed. It is guaranteed to add hours and hours of gameplay.

Before you download this texture pack remember that it is 128x resolution. This means that vanilla Minecraft won't be able to handle the pixel size. Please install and download Optifine first before attempting to utilize this texture pack.


  • The best texture pack for fans of Samurais and Japanese themes
  • Great overall concept and amazing visual improvements
  • Can be used for PvP as weapons and armors are well designed


  • Is 128x resolution so it might slow down you computer if it isn't powerful enough
  • Disrupts the overall concept and themes of Minecraft
  • Does not improve blocks and animals

Woocraft Asian Texture Pack Preview

Woocraft x128 1.17.1 Asian Resource Pack - 3

How to Download Woocraft Asian Texture Pack x128:

Step 1: How to Download from Minecraft-Resourcepacks.com

If this is your first time downloading from our site, rest assured downloading from minecraft-resourcepacks is safe.  Before downloading review the basics of how to download a pack here.

Step 2: Download Optifine

Before attempting to download and install, you need to have Optifine to ensure the texture pack will run properly.

Step 3: Download Texture Pack

To start, download the zip file from the link below. Place the zip file into your Minecraft Resource Pack folder.

To find the folder easily, go to Minecraft’s options menu and navigate to resource packs>open resource pack folder. Alternatively, use the table below to see which file directory your folder is stored in.

File Locations of Minecraft Resource Packs Folder:






~/Library/Application Support/minecraft



With the resource pack folder open, place the zip file inside. Finally, activate the texture pack in-game via Minecraft’s resource pack menu on the game menu.

minecraft-resourcepacks.com free download links

Woocraft x128 1.17.1 Asian Resource Pack Download

Below you can see legit downloads for Minecraft texture pack named Woocraft x128 1.17.1 Asian Resource Pack. Click on the button to download now.

Is this not the exact texture pack that you were looking for? No worries, we have plenty more of Minecraft 1.17.1 Resource Packs which you can choose from. We also have a huge collection of PvP texture packs in case you fancy some PvP action.

5/5 - (1 vote)
5/5 - (1 vote)

Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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