5 Streamers Have Gone Missing from MCC 

 Last Modified April 7, 2022

 Published September 16, 2021

By  Peter Schwartz

5 Streamers Have Gone Missing from MCC - MCC

With The Minecraft Championship 17 coming close, plenty of fans are speculating on who will be participating in the tournament.

Before Technoblade announced he had cancer, fans were actually hoping for another Dream vs Technoblade saga.


However, after hearing from the PvP God himself, it seems like it won't be possible for him to participate in MCC17.

There are several recurring faces in the competitions, as there are streamers who choose to take a break from the tournament.


Aside from Technoblade there are 4 more Minecraft legends who have declared that they will be taking a break from the MCC.

"Even with the hiatus of these 5 Minecraft Legends, the roster is still filled with top competitors such as Dream."

5 Streamers Have Gone Missing from MCC - ASF Jerome

1. ASFJerome

Jerome first took part in the Minecraft Championship 4. He competed fairly regularly until Minecraft Championship 9, when he began competing less frequently.

After his five-championship hiatus, he will compete in the Minecraft Championship Pride 2021.

Since then, he hasn't appeared in a competition and has been unannounced to compete.

However, considering how robust he is on the internet, there's a chance that Jerome won't be competing in any future Minecraft Championships.

He's also one of the colorblind legends of Minecraft, the others being:

  • Karl Jacobs
  • GeorgeNotFound
  • fWhip
  • Captain Puffy

2. iHasCupquake

The female Minecraft legend iHasCupquake has barely participated in any of the MCC. She has only joined the first MCC. After that she has gone in hiatus ever since.

What might come to a surprise to some is that she was one of the original organizers of the event however she resigned as one of the organizers after sometime at the end of the first ever tournament.

She still streams regularly on YouTube and Twitch, and has yet announced her comeback on the MCC.

3. DanTDM

Dan has participated in a few of the most recent Minecraft Championships. He hasn't played since the 14th edition of the tournament.

He debut in the event during MCC 11. After that he would only participate in a few more MCC's before calling it quits.

Back when he was announced to compete in MCC 11 it was a big surprise for fans because during that time he was one of the most popular Minecraft gamers.

It built up such an amazing hype that it was even leaked on Reddit and Twitch before he could even officially announce it himself.

He is known for his good looking FPS Boosting Packs which allow him to hit combos super fast.

However, this season it looks like he won't be joining again. His fans are still hoping for his comeback till this day.

2. Skeppy

Skeppy is your favorite Minecraft player's favorite Minecraft player. He is one of the first ever UHC PvP Warlords to have ever come out of the game.

In a bit of a shock, he has only entered the MCC one time. This has always been a confusing news to Minecraft eSports fans as he is still skilled with lightning fast reflexes till this day based on his streams.

The only times he played in the MCC was during the 1st and 14th tournament. He was supposed to have joined MCC 2 as well however he somehow slept before the event started thus disqualifying him.

After that incident he has only returned to the MCC on the 14th tournament. He joined the Cyan Creepers and fell short of a Championship victory.

The good news is, he has not announced a full hiatus from the MCC and he is still in the roster of players. Only time can tell until we see the Diamond colored happy face avatar come back in the arena.

5 Streamers Have Gone Missing from MCC - Technoblade

1. Technoblade

Although his trademark skin is the piglin king, he is considered as the GOAT of Minecraft PvP.

Technoblade is one of the most revered and famous Minecraft players ever. However, he has already announced he might be out of the MCC for good.

"Some even refer to Technoblade as the Michael Jordan of Minecraft."

On late August 2021, Technoblade announced that he had cancer. He might be out of the Minecraft eSports scene for indefinitely.

However organizers of the MCC stated that Techno will still be joining all-star charity games especially ones for cancer research.

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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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