3 Insanely Clean Texture Packs for Hypixel Bedwars 

 Last Modified May 23, 2022

 Published May 20, 2022

By  Peter Schwartz

Looshys Amethyst 16x (13 Color Bundle) 1.8.9 Hypixel Bedwars - 4 - 3 Insanely Clean Texture Packs for Hypixel Bedwars

3 Insanely Clean Texture Packs for Hypixel Bedwars are a list of the most effective and efficient packs to make the game look clean while running very fast.

When you play with Minecraft chances are that you would definitely want to enjoy a very smooth gaming experience especially when you are playing with player versus player game modes.


This is where clean PVP texture packs come in to make sure that you have a much better gaming experience.

Not only are most of the packs very good in terms of visual appeal but they also feature very good vibrancy.


In this article, we take a look at 3 of the best and most clean PVP texture packs that are available for Hypixel Bedwars.

What are Clean PvP Texture Packs

So what are clean PVP texture packs? These are basically resource packs that help you enjoy smoother and cleaner gameplay by reducing the number of particles and textures which can often clutter up your screen.

This not only makes the gameplay smoother for you but also makes it look a lot cleaner and more polished. Aside from that, it maintains a very good performance in the game.

So without further ado, here are 3 of the best clean PVP texture packs that you can use for Hypixel Bedwars.

Why Should you Download Clean Texture Packs for PvP

When you are playing player versus player games, clean texture packs can often give you a competitive advantage over your opponents.

This is because it declutters your screen and gives you a much wider field of view which can be crucial in getting those crucial kills.

Aside from that, clean PVP texture packs also tend to be very low resource-intensive which means that they will not slow down your computer or lag the game.

This is extremely important in player versus player games where every second counts. You need to make very fast dodges, strikes, and hits to ensure you get the upper hand in every fight.

3 Insanely Clean Texture Packs for Hypixel Bedwars

These are three of the best clean PVP texture packs that you can use for Hypixel Bedwars. Each of them has its own unique features that can give you a slight edge over your opponents.

So make sure to try them out and see which one works best for you. Whichever pack you choose, you are sure to enjoy a much smoother and cleaner gaming experience.

Looshys Amethyst 16x (13 Color Bundle) 1.8.9 Hypixel Bedwars

This clean PVP texture pack was created by Looshy and is available in a 16x resolution. This is definitely one of the best clean PVP texture packs that you can use for Hypixel Bedwars.

Aside from looking clean and polished, it also helps reduce the number of particles on your screen which can often clutter up your view.

We ranked this as one of the 3 Insanely Clean Texture Packs for Hypixel Bedwars due to its high FPS while retaining a very good visual.

It comes with a total of 13 different color bundles which helps you easily personalize your gameplay.

Novis 16x PvP Texture Pack 1.8.9 Hypixel Bedwars - 1

This FPS boost PvP texture pack was created and designed to help the game run faster while still allowing for a good level of visuals. It has several useful features that will allow you to feel competitive in PvP.

Despite the fact that the weapon is mostly retextured, it still has an overall great vibe to it. In terms of looks and aesthetics, despite the weapon being mostly just retextures, it still gives off an incredible vibe.

We ranked this as one of the 3 Insanely Clean Texture Packs for Hypixel Bedwars due to its clean look and feel while maintaining a very good performance.

Evakzfault V4 16x PvP Texture Pack 1.8.9 Hypixel Bedwars - 1

The blazing-fast PvP texture pack has a plethora of unique features that may bring you back in love with the game. It makes Minecraft operate swiftly while still keeping a fairly attractive visual that might keep you interested for hours.

Another advantage of this pack is the fact that it includes one of the most beautiful custom skies imaginable, which just adds to the game's excitement.

We ranked this as one of the 3 Insanely Clean Texture Packs for Hypixel Bedwars due to its clean look plus the added value of having amazing-looking visuals while still running at top performance.

5/5 - (3 votes)

Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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