Xray Netherite Resource Pack 1.16.1 / 1.16.2

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published July 28, 2020
Updated: July 28, 2020
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published July 28, 2020
Updated: July 28, 2020

Xray Netherite Resource Pack 1.16 is a resource pack for the latest 1.16 Minecraft snapshot. Spending lots of time in the Nether like the rest of us? Well, this pack will ensure you the ability to find all of the rare goodies and resources that are now scattered across everyone’s favorite hell world. Read on to hear more!

What is Xray Netherite Resource Pack 1.16?

This pack, as you probably guessed, is about x-ray vision. And not just any old Overworld x-ray vision either, but a bonafide, hell-bound Nether x-ray vision! Just in time for the new Nether-centric update, this pack offers you a fantastic way of reaching all of the Nether’s new and exciting materials and resources. Netherite, here we come!

Is Xray Netherite Resource Pack 1.16 fun to play with?


It sure is. Many of you reading will know the important role that x-ray packs play in some Minecrafters’ playthroughs. Some of you eager survivalists can’t be found without a trusty x-ray pack installed to make the arduous and often treacherous excursions out for resources a little bit easier.

The new Nether update has seen the introduction of Minecraft’s most precious resource to date: netherite. Incredibly rare and superior in quality to diamond, this new block has got players scouring the Nether for a chance to craft some epic new items. 

This pack makes that whole process a lot easier. Until now, not many players explored the Nether, but with so much new content to search through, an x-ray pack dedicated to netherite was bound to pop up sooner or later. 


Finding netherite is so much easier with this pack. Normally, you’d be left searching for hours, uncertain if you’d ever find that precious rocky mineral. Well no longer! Thanks to Xray Netherite, I was able to pocket some netherite for myself in no time at all. 

The only downside, which is apparent in many packs like these, is that it can be hard to traverse the landscape with the pack enabled. You’ll still be able to get around, but there’s oftentimes a lot of bumping into things and feeling around the perimeter of areas just so you can move around safely.

If you’re desperate to get some new Netherite items in your favorite survival world, there’s no better way to guarantee yourself some than with this pack. Simple to install and easy to use, this pack will eliminate all the fruitless and tiring searches and will give you more time to do what you enjoy most about Minecraft.

What’s good about Xray Netherite Resource Pack 1.16:

✔ Practical resource pack with functional use in survival gameplay for rare item

✔ Very simple to use and install

✔ Can be easily used in tandem with other resource packs and x-ray packs

What’s not-so-good about Xray Netherite Resource Pack 1.16:

X X-ray pack’s do not appeal to everyone

X It can be difficult to traverse with the x-ray mode enabled

X Not much else to complain about!

How to install Xray Netherite Resource Pack 1.16

Got to get your blocky hands on some of the new netherite items? I don’t blame you! If you need some Nether-know-how, then you best get downloading this pack! If you need a quick resource pack refresher or you’ve never installed a pack before, just use my handy guide below on how to install resource packs for the Minecraft 1.16 snapshot.

You first need to download the Xray Netherite pack as a zip file. When the download is finished, locate and open your resource pack folder and place the zip file inside it. Not sure where that is? Well, here are a couple of ways to find it. 1) Boot up Minecraft and navigate to options>resource packs>open resource pack folder, or 2) Locate the folder by using one of the following file directories:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft


With the folder open, place the zip file inside. Lastly, go to the Minecraft resource pack menu and select Xray Netherite as your current resource pack.

Xray Netherite Resource Pack 1.16 Preview


Xray Netherite Resource Pack 1.16 for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Xray Netherite Resource Pack 1.16

Xray Netherite Resource Pack 1.16 DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

2.9/5 - (29 votes)


Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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