Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published March 18, 2020
Updated: March 18, 2020
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published March 18, 2020
Updated: March 18, 2020

Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2 is a resource pack for Minecraft 1.15.2 that makes the game look almost like an entirely new one. With visuals very reminiscent of videogames of the 90s, Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2 is a pack that makes a great companion in a time where many gamers are self-isolating and spending most of their time in the world of Minecraft.

What is Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2?

Self-isolating right now? Well what could be better to help pass the lonely days away than indulging in a large and exciting resource pack that is full to the brim of thematic energy. By now, you might have heard of or even played with Wolfhound previously. It’s a resource pack with a fairly long history these days and it’s even amassed a sizable fanbase.

Is Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2 fun to play with?


Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2 is a great resource pack. I only had a short time to play with it, but each and every moment during my playthrough was full of immersive detail and thematic textures. Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2 is a pack that is perfect for fans of fantasy, old-timey nic nacs and medieval fantasy.  It would easily make a great accompanying piece for a custom adventure map or even a mod.

The style of Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2 is fairly unique when it comes to Minecraft resource packs. Somehow, despite having seen hundreds of packs in my time, I’ve never quite seen a pack that looks the way Wolfhound Ultimate does. If I had to describe Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2’s visuals (and I do!), I’d describe it as some kind of gothic fantasy. 

The pack also features a nice upgrade from Minecraft’s 16×16 resolution, with a ton of more detail being packed into each and every block and item texture. This really adds to the pack’s general videogame-y feel, and it helps to emphasise the pack’s overall quality.


Personally, I found that the pack’s visuals were not quite to my taste. Although at points the resource pack really shone in sprawling parts of my personal city builds, the pack’s textures can be a bit muddy at times and can sometimes 

What’s good about Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2?

✔ Very thematic and well-textured fantasy-inspired pack 

✔ Upgrade to higher resolution allows for more texture detail

✔ Long history of pack development

What’s bad about Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2?

X Would not recommend pack for players looking for more minimal/vanilla resource packs

X Not ideal for players who play on contemporary servers/maps

X The visual style isn’t quite to my personal taste and can look quite muddy at times

How do I install Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2?

Want to install Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2? The process is easy. Simply follow my guide below and you’ll see that getting Wolfhound as well as any other pack installed and ready in just a few minutes.

First, download Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2. This should come in the form as a zip file. Once the download is finished, make sure to keep the zip file around so you can use it later. Next up, make your way to Minecraft’s game files. The best and easiest way to do this is to simply go to Minecraft’s option menu and select ‘resource packs’ and then click on ‘open resource pack folder’. You can also access the folder without using Minecraft by going to your relevant file directory shown in the table below:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft


Move the Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2 zip file into the resource pack folder. Lastly, make sure to activate the pack by going to Minecraft’s resource pack menu.

Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2 Preview


Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2 for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2

Wolfhound Ultimate Texture Pack 1.15.2 DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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