Winthor Medieval 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published August 6, 2020
Updated: August 6, 2020
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published August 6, 2020
Updated: August 6, 2020

Winthor Medieval 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack is a newly updated resource pack for the Minecraft Nether update that brings all of your favourite Minecraft medieval-ness into the update that’s hot off the presses. Minecraft medieval packs are enduringly popular in the community, so it’s awesome that we can already enjoy our favourite middle ages content with the newest Minecraft update. Read on to hear more!

What is Winthor Medieval 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack?

This pack is for all of you medieval aficionados out there. Utilising one of Minecraft’s longest-running subgenres of textures packs, Winthor Medieval is a touchstone in what medieval packs should be. I’m a huge fan of olde-worlde style packs, and this one really delivers on that sense of middle age escapism.

Is Winthor Medieval 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack fun to play with?


Heck yeah! I had an absolute blast playing with Winthor while exploring the new Nether Update content. Never has the Nether (try saying that three times fast) looked so spooky under the shroud of moody and detailed textures provided by Winthor Medieval. I particularly enjoyed how the pack handles the new Nether forest biomes, where jagged vines climb upwards and haunted-looking trees stretch all across the landscape.

The textures here have seen a much appreciated upgrade from default Minecraft’s measly 16×16. Here we are treated to beautifully crunchy 128×128 textures that expand the amount of detail far beyond what is possible in Minecraft vanilla.

The pack is very well suited for your time spent in the Nether, which you’ll be doing a lot of thanks to the game’s newest update. The landscape and the denizens of the Nether all look suitably ghoulish and scary, especially the new strider mob, which has a terrifying new design with big bulbous eyes and pointy teeth. The new Nether blocks are also beautifully retextured to fit the pack’s general aesthetic, so there’s no waiting around for future updates to catch up with the new 1.16 content.

To say this pack gives me the willies is a bit of an understatement. While the overworld is what you might expect from a medieval pack, the Nether is really where the pack begins to shine and show off some of the moody atmospheres it can conjure up. Spending time in the Nether and being scared silly has really never been so much fun.

Winthor Medieval is a fantastic way to try out all the new things Minecraft has on offer with its Nether Update. If you really want to experience the Nether in a way vanilla Minecraft can’t provide, then this is a pack you’ve got to try out.


What’s good about Winthor Medieval 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack?

✔ Spooky and very appropriately styled pack for Nether play time

✔ 128x texture resolution upgrade

✔ Awesome medieval inspired textures for new 1.16 content

What’s not-so-good about Winthor Medieval 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack?

X Would not recommend to dedicated faithful players

X Some of the textures aren’t to my personal taste

X It is quite creepy to play with!

How to install Winthor Medieval 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack

After an epic and downright spooky Nether experience with the help of Winthor Medieval, but not sure how to install the pack? Look no further my Nether-inclined friend, as I’m here to help you install this pack (and most other packs) in just a few short steps. Take a look at my guide below and you’ll be up and running faster than a ghast’s fireball.

First off, download Winthor Medieval and keep the zip file safe until later in the installation process. Once the download is done, go to Minecraft’s game files and open up the folder that is called ‘resourcepacks’. Don’t know where that is? Simply go to the game’s option menu and select the ‘resource packs’ tab and the click on ‘open resource pack folder’. Another way to find the folder is by using one of the relevant file directories in the following table:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft

To finish, place the zip file into the resource pack folder you opened. To enable the pack, make sure to go to Minecraft’s resource pack menu and activate Winthor Medieval.

Winthor Medieval 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack Preview


Winthor Medieval 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Winthor Medieval 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack

Winthor Medieval 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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