What do Llamas Eat in Minecraft 

 Last Modified March 18, 2022

 Published March 18, 2022

By  Peter Schwartz

What do Llamas Eat in Minecraft - 1

Llamas are some of the most fascinating creatures in Minecraft which is why many players ask what do llamas eat in Minecraft so that they can tame it.

Aside from being nifty pets they can also handle themselves as they spit on any mob that tries to attack them.


So ready your carpets and prepare your goods as we venture into the knowledge and learn what do llamas eat in Minecraft the best way possible.

What are Minecraft Llamas

Llamas in Minecraft are also very useful as they can help you get more storage while travelling in the vast world. They were added in the Minecraft 1.11 update.


In Minecraft llamas come in two variants: the normal Llama and the alpaca.

The Alpaca is a rarer Llama that can only be found in cold biomes such as extreme hills, tundra's and ice plains.

Aside from that there are also trader llamas which you can always see together with travelling traders. If you have been playing Minecraft for some time now you might have already felt their spit when you tried to aggravate it.

As an added bonus you can even make your Llama follow you all around together with the herd without even having to ride it.

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What do Llamas Eat in Minecraft

Minecraft Llamas are one of the most unique neutral mobs due to the fact that you can feed them two item types, not just one.

The Llamas in Minecraft actually eat two different types of food, each with a different effect and buff.

Minecraft Llamas eat:

  • Wheat
  • Haybale

If you feed him wheat it gains 2 health points while increasing it's growth by 20 seconds.

If you feed your Llama with haybale it will gain 10 health points and boost it's growth for 3 minutes.

Haybale is the better food type to feed your Llama if you want it to grow faster.

Keep in mind that Llamas only eat when they're hungry so don't overfeed them.

Lamas will also follow you around if you have any Wheat in your hand and are close enough to them. If you want them to lead the way then hold some Wheat and walk in front of the Llama.

You can keep up to 10 Llamas following you provided that you have enough Wheat with you. Any more than that and the extras will start spitting at you.

So there you have it, that's What do Llamas Eat in Minecraft. Now you can go tame one for yourself and use it to your advantage.

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Where do you Find Llamas in Minecraft

Llamas can be found in the mountains and hilly biomes. They usually spawn in groups of 4 but this is not always the case.

When searching for Llamas keep your eyes peeled for brown and white furry animals with long necks.

They should be easy to spot as they're one of the larger mobs in Minecraft. If you still can't find any then consider using a seed that has a Llama Spawner.

A Llama Spawner is a block that generates Llamas. You can find them in Strongholds, Nether Fortresses, and Woodland Mansions.

Once you've found a Llama Spawner all you need to do is wait for Llam to spawn or use a spawn egg. Llama Spawn eggs can be found in Creative Mode or you can use the /give command to get one.

/give <player> minecraft:spawn_egg 1 0 {EntityTag:{id:Llama}}

You can also spawn Llamas with a cheat code. The code is llama.

Type it in while you're playing Minecraft and hit enter. This will spawn a Llama right next to you.

Now that you know what do llamas eat in Minecraft and know where you can find them then now would be the time to tame them.

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How to Tame and Ride Llamas in Minecraft

Taming a Llama in Minecraft is very simple and only requires a few steps. The first thing you need to do is find a Llama.

There are two ways so you can ride a Llama. There is the easier but more costly way and the completely free but harder method.

Feeding the Llama

You have already learned what do llamas eat in Minecraft in the previous paragraph. Now it's time to learn how to feed them in order to reduce it's temper to make it easier for you to tame it.

Once you've found one then all you need is some Wheat or Haybale. Right-click on the Llama with the Wheat in your hand and it will start following you around.

You can then choose to keep feeding it wheat or haybale to make it easier for you to ride it. After feeding it about 5-10 units you can attempt to ride it by right clicking on it without any item on your hands.

By feeding the Llama first before attempting to ride it you are actually protecting yourself from getting bucked.

Riding the Llama Right Away

Do note that you can also ride and tame a Llama without any food but it will try to buck you off when you ride it.

Just keep riding it until hearts appear on top of it's head. This means that the Llama has accepted you as it's owner and it is now tamed.

Despite this more direct method not needing you to know what do llamas eat in Minecraft it is still an easier approach to lower it's temper first by feeding it. Especially since wheat and haybales are pretty easy to get your hands on.

You can keep up to 10 Llamas following you provided that you have enough Wheat with you. Any more than that and the extras will start spitting at you.

Now that your Llama is tamed, all that's left to do is put a carpet on it so you can ride it around.

A Carpet can be found in Desert Temples, Nether Fortresses, Jungle Temple.

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Fun Facts About Minecraft Llamas

  • Llamas can be bred with Wheat, Haybale, or apples.
  • A baby Llama is called a Cria.
  • Llamas can spit at players and mobs that anger them.
  • Llamas have a 10% chance of dropping their Carpet when they die.
  • You can put a Chest on a Llama to store extra items in it.
  • Llamas will follow you around if you have any Wheat in your hand and are close enough to them. If you want them to lead the way then hold some Wheat and walk in front of the Llama.
  • You can't ride and control the Llama at the same time. You can use a leash to bring it anywhere you want.
5/5 - (2 votes)


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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