The Most Famous Minecraft YouTubers 

 Last Modified May 16, 2022

 Published May 16, 2022

By  Peter Schwartz

The Most Famous Minecraft YouTubers

Ever since on-demand streaming became one of the top choices for entertainment many gamers have been asking for the most famous Minecraft YouTubers to follow.

There are several reasons why they could be looking for such players. One of them could be for enjoyment, another could be so that they can discover new strategies.


If you want to shower yourself with some Minecraft comedy or just want to see how the pros play the game then you should definitely try to get to know them.

The Most Famous Minecraft YouTubers

The most well-known game "Minecraft" makes it entertaining for individuals not just because of its unique appearance, but also because of the limitless possibilities.


Every time you play Minecraft is exciting since of the high, the sense of unanticipated and unknown adventure, and that is why everyone loves it.

You may develop your own universe, in which you may go on excursions and do whatever you want. This game has 140 million active users worldwide and is played by people all around the world.

The game is intriguing, but it has allowed a lot of people to achieve success. There are many YouTubers who used to play Minecraft for fun but now have millions of followers.

So, here are the top 10 Minecraft YouTubers you should check out, whether you're familiar with them or not. If you're a novice, their YouTube videos will be a lot of fun for you!

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Jordan Maron, better known as CaptainSparklez, is a 26-year-old American YouTuber who gained popularity by playing and commentating on Minecraft.

He started his YouTube channel in July 2010 and he now has over 10 million subscribers. His videos consist of him playing various Minecraft mods and mini-games.

He is one of the most popular Minecraft YouTubers and has won multiple awards, including being named one of Forbes 30 Under 30 in Gaming in 2016.

With all of these feats he is considered as one of the most famous Minecraft YouTubers in the entire world.

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Tom Cassell, better known as TheSyndicateProject or simply Syndicate, is a 26-year-old British YouTuber. He is one of the earliest Minecraft YouTubers, starting his channel in 2010.

He now has over 7 million subscribers and his videos consist mostly of him playing various multiplayer games with other well-known YouTube gamers.

Syndicate was also named one of Forbes 30 Under 30 in Gaming in 2016.

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Daniel Middleton, better known as TheDiamondMinecart or simply TDM, is a 27-year-old British YouTuber. He started his channel in 2012 and he now has over 6 million subscribers.

He is one of the originators of Minecraft streaming and right now he is definitely one of the most famous Minecraft YouTubers.

His videos consist mostly of him playing and commentating on Minecraft mods and mini-games. He has won several awards, including a Kid's Choice Award in 2017.

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Adam Dahlberg, better known as SkyDoesMinecraft, is a 23-year-old American YouTuber. He started his channel in 2010 and he now has over 10 million subscribers.

His videos consist mostly of him playing and commentating on Minecraft. He has also done many collaborations with other popular YouTubers, such as TheSyndicateProject and CaptainSparklez.

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Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, better known by his online alias PewDiePie, is a 29-year-old Swedish YouTuber. He started his channel in 2010 and he now has over 57 million subscribers.

He has helped make Minecraft as famous as it is right now. To honor him a player created a specified pack called Pewdiepack in honor of him.

His videos consist mostly of him playing and commentating on video games, but he has also done vlogs, challenges, and other types of videos. He is the most subscribed-to YouTuber in the world.

This also makes him as the cream of the crop among the most famous Minecraft YouTubers in the entire history of the game.

Worthy Mentions

There are more Minecraft players who have helped staple the game into the world. These players have to contribute to making the game famous.

The game has even given people a career, with some making millions of dollars per year. The list of the most famous Minecraft YouTubers goes on, but here are some honorable mentions.

  • Dream
  • Technoblade
  • TheBajanCanadian
  • stampylonghead
  • ChimneySwift11
  • iHasCupquake
  • LDShadowLady

There you have it, these are the most famous YouTubers in the world who play Minecraft. Do know that they might not be the best players, however, they are the most entertaining.

5/5 - (3 votes)


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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