Survival Island 1.14.4

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published October 1, 2019
Updated: October 1, 2019
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published October 1, 2019
Updated: October 1, 2019

Survival Island 1.14.4 is a simple map created for Minecraft players of any experience. The set up of the map is quite simple, you’re given some basic materials, including a tree, food source, cacti, and sugar cane. Materials are limited, which is the main challenge you will face while playing this map.

Survival Island 1.14.4 is very easy to understand and play. All of the materials given to you are in plain sight and you immediately spawn on the island when first loading the map. There aren’t any specific rules to follow for this map, so you are free to do whatever you want. Most of the time, players attempt to beat the Ender Dragon while only using materials found on or around the island. This map can be played in version 1.14.4 or lower. No mods or resource packs need to be added on.


Survival Island 1.14.4 has what you need and nothing more, which is sometimes desired while playing a survival island map. This map is very basic, which can be good for beginners. Survival Island 1.14.4 is a good alternative for those who want to play something easier, but similar, to Skyblock. If you dislike the aspect of accidentally falling off of maps due to mining, like what can happen in Skyblock, Survival Island 1.14.4 is for you. 

Survival Island 1.14.4 is better than simply using a survival island seed because this map has been specifically built and designed to be played as a survival island map. This means you can be sure to find all of the materials you need on the island you spawn on. 


If you’re looking for a map with aesthetic appeal, Survival Island 1.14.4 is not where you should look. While the island does have all of the materials needed for gameplay, it certainly is not pretty. In the distance, you can see where land has been trimmed away to make the island, which some may find off-putting and ugly. 

Survival Island 1.14.4 has no surprises, which some players may find boring. What you’re getting is in the title: an island to survive on. 

Finding ores is a bit challenging while playing Survival Island 1.14.4, which can be unappealing for some players. There is possibly a cave or two near the island, but it seems challenging to find with such limited resources. Finding food is also challenging since you’re only given one animal that spawns on the island, and sometimes trees do not drop apples. Also, the animal that spawns on the island may spawn as a baby, so you have to wait for it to mature in order to get food as well. The chances of another animal spawning on such a small island are very slim, so you’ll most likely struggle to regenerate hearts, or die of hunger. 

Survival Island 1.14.4 gives you a small island to begin with, which can be hard to build upon. One other challenge is that a lot of mobs will spawn on the island, and there aren’t many places to hide. The island is surrounded by water, which can be used to gather fish as a food source, but it is hard to mine around and build on. 

Survival Island 1.14.4 is a good map to play if you are looking for something simple and easy. It is good for beginners, as well as experts, because of the freedom to do whatever you want while playing. The map is not very pretty, but it has everything you need. 

Survival Island 1.14.4 Preview

Survival Island 1.14.4 - 1 Survival Island 1.14.4 - 2

Survival Island 1.14.4 - 3

How to Download Survival Island 1.14.4

If you need help downloading the map, here are instructions!

  1. Use the official link to download this map onto your computer.
  2. Find the save folder for Minecraft on your computer, which can be found at the locations below. Make sure to use the location that corresponds to your operating system

Windows: C:Users[yourusername]AppDataRoaming.minecraftsaves

Mac: /Users/[yourusername]/Library/Application Support/Minecraft/saves/

Linux: /home/[yourusername]/.minecraft/saves/

  1. Add the map folder to your saves folder.
  2. Startup Minecraft, go to your singleplayer worlds, and the map should be located somewhere on your list of worlds!
  3. It is recommended to use Optifine for better gameplay.

Survival Island 1.14.4 Minecraft Map Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Survival Island 1.14.4 Minecraft Map

Survival Island 1.14.4 Minecraft Map DOWNLOAD

Pack submitted by BrainD34D

5/5 - (1 vote)


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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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