Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published March 19, 2020
Updated: March 19, 2020
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published March 19, 2020
Updated: March 19, 2020

Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack sounds almost like a contradiction in the world of Minecraft. But it’s true—with this pack you’ll actually be able to bring in rounder trees into your favourite Minecraft saves. Gasp!

What is Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack?

Of course anything round inside of Minecraft sounds like heresy, but sometimes creators just want to push the boundaries of what Minecraft is all about. And what could be more subversive in Minecraft than round trees for Mojang’s sake? This resource pack essentially alters all of the game’s tree textures to have a much more organic and natural looking design that takes a few leaps forward from Minecraft’s primitive, blocky makeup.

The Latest Version of Round Trees is Out!


Minecraft 1.17 has officially been released.  The 1.17 versions of the Minecraft resource packs, texture packs, shaders, mods, and Optifine can now be downloaded. We suggest you download the most up to date resource packs for the best experience.

Is Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack fun to play with?

Yes, totally! Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack is an awesome little pack that really manages to leave a huge impact on the game world. If you’ve played some of the many clones and ripoffs that spawned (no pun intended) after Minecraft’s initial success, then you might be familiar with the sort of style that Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack is going for.

The look of the pack’s rounded trees is very similar to voxel based graphics seen in various indie games. The style is surprisingly clean for a fan made resource pack, and it does a lot of heavy lifting to improve Minecraft’s visuals overall.

The effect isn’t too in your face or over the top either. And in fact, sometimes if you pay it no mind, you won’t even notice the newly added detail to the game’s many trees. There’s also an added bonus to this extra detail in that it increases the visual complexity of your builds, if you happen to frequently use log materials to build with. As a player who uses logs in basically every build I create, it was really nice to see some extra depth in all of my creations without having to change a single block.


This pack would make a great addition to any player’s resource pack collection, and thanks to its simple construction, it can easily be added on top of already active resource packs, so you can really personalise how your Minecraft looks to your own private tastes.

What did you think of Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack? Did you love its unique rounded characteristics? Or do you think everything not square should steer clear of Minecraft? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to check out my installation guide at the bottom of this review!

What’s good about Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack?

✔ Very nice looking resource pack

✔ Adds custom tree models to increase visual complexity and intrigue

✔ Very effective use of resource pack capabilities

What’s bad about Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack?

X Only changes one real part of Minecraft’s textures

X Some minor issues with block interaction due to new log textures

X Will not interest players who like gameplay changes

How do I install Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack?

Want to experience round trees for yourself? Luckily, there’s no mods involved here and installation is as easy as square pie. Just follow my guide below and see for yourself!

To begin, download Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack and move the zip file to your desktop or a location of your choice. Next, make your way to Minecraft’s game files and open up the folder that is named ‘resourcepacks’ and place the zip file inside.

If you don’t know how to access Minecraft’s files, you can do it easily by opening up the game’s option menu and going to resource packs>open resource pack folder. This will take you to the game’s resource pack folder. You can also find the folder manually using the following file directory table:

macOS~/Library/Application Support/minecraft


Once the Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack zip is in the resource pack folder, make sure to activate the pack in the Minecraft resource pack menu.

Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack Preview


Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack

💾 Round Trees 1.15.2 Minecraft Resource Pack DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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