Minecraft House – Small Modern House

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published November 5, 2019
Updated: November 5, 2019
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published November 5, 2019
Updated: November 5, 2019

Minecraft House – Small Modern Home. Do you love survival, modern design and architecture with nature? If you said yes (let’s hope!) then you’ve got to check out this luxurious Minecraft home. Read on!

What is Small Modern House?

Small Modern House is exactly what you’d expect from the name. House? Check. Modern. Check? Small. Well, that’s subjective. We thought it was pretty sizeable! It’s a great house with excellent use of space, design and block choice. It’s everything you need for an awesome Minecraft base.

So, what is Small Modern House like to play with?


Small Modern House has a lot of similarities with other similarly styled Minecraft builds. But instead of copying what has been done plenty times before it, this house avoids being derivative by using creative and unique design choices that give it a real idiosyncratic feel.

The front of the house is large and is decorated with slim trimmed trees, and the garden itself is shielded from the outside world by a visually pleasing, but also practically sized defensive wall. The wall in particular was a highlight for me, as many creators tend to avoid including them in their builds, so kudos to this particular creator.

The choices of building materials are probably the most eye-catching part of the whole building. Big white slabs sit atop of sections made of varying materials and colours such as acacia wood, pastel pinks and deep muted browns.

Meanwhile, small bits of greenery are dotted across the rooftop sections, allowing the property to feel like a part of the map, rather than completely outside of it. Small details such as the faux solar panels and the acacia fence lattices really add a lot of character to the build, and evoke a feeling of sophistication.

Inside of the property somehow feels much larger than it appears on the outside. There’s plenty of rooms to use for your own devices, and clever placement of features such as the staircase allow the house to maintain its openness without eliminating practicality. The decoration on the inside is the standard fair for modern Minecraft buildings.


Admittedly, you won’t find any details in here that will blow your blocky mind, but they do get the job done, and each room is just very well made.

A small gripe for me would be the flow between rooms. Sometimes the locations of rooms didn’t feel totally natural for some reason. Likewise, placement of certain amenities felt a little random at times.

For example, you’ll be walking into a room and suddenly notice there’s a record player there, but without any indication why. This is fine of course, and I’m sure for the creator these were more aesthetic choices, but for survival use, you might want to move some things around just after you move in.

If you’re looking for a spacious (don’t believe the name!), modern and excellently built Minecraft base to play around in, you can’t get much better than this one. Show off your house to everyone, or lock yourself in the confines of your garden walls, we won’t judge.

What are the positives of Small Modern House?

✔Architecture has lots of depth

✔Can be used for survival

✔Spacious rooms

What are the negatives of Small Modern House?

X Odd choice of placement for certain furnishings

X Flow between rooms could be improved

X Furniture is decent but nothing really unique

How do I install Small Modern House for Minecraft?

So you want to install Small Modern House for yourself, but don’t know how? No problem, friend we’ve all been there. Just read our guide below on how to easily install Minecraft maps within minutes and you’ll be playing in no time.

Download Small Modern House and use a program such as Winrar to export the downloaded zip file to a location on your computer such as your desktop. Once completed you should have a regular ‘unzipped’ folder in the location you chose. Now you need to place that folder into the directory for your Minecraft saves. Not sure where that is? Use the table to locate your depending on your operating system:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft

When you’ve found the ‘saves’ folder, just place the Small Modern House folder in there and you’re done. To access the save, just select it via the Minecraft singleplayer save menu.


Minecraft House - Small Modern House 1 Minecraft House - Small Modern House 2

Minecraft House - Small Modern House 3

Minecraft House – Small Modern House Minecraft Map Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Minecraft House – Small Modern House

Minecraft House – Small Modern House DOWNLOAD

Pack submitted by BrainD34D

5/5 - (1 vote)


Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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