Minecraft Dungeons Loot Guide and Tips

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published May 29, 2020
Updated: May 29, 2020
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published May 29, 2020
Updated: May 29, 2020

A lot of you may be wondering about the looting mechanics in Minecraft Dungeons, how do you get loot, or what is the best loot in Minecraft. In this article, we will be creating a Minecraft Dungeons loot guide for anyone who is interested in the amazing loot that Minecraft Dungeons has to offer for us, that we can grind for and try it ourselves because looting epic items is the biggest motivation for every Minecraft player, am I right?

How do you get Loot in Minecraft Dungeons?


Loot in Minecraft Dungeons is mostly gotten from grinding in Dungeons and specific areas, mostly from killing Mobs but you can also get loot from a quest or level rewards when completing it, or finding Mobs such as “Piggy Bank” that drops loot.


There is a variety of Loot in Minecraft Dungeons ranging from Weapons, Artifacts, and Armor, which have their own rarity level to them, Minecraft Dungeons as of now has 3 levels of rarity which is Common, Rare and Unique for Armor and Weapons, and Artifacts would probably be the same from Common to very rare. Of course, Common being the easiest to get and Unique the rarest.

Loot in Minecraft Dungeons specifically Weapons, Armor, and Artifacts are randomized in stats and types, so you can get anything from the worst to the best of the same item, in this case, there’s really no trick but to only just repetitively grind for them and hope that your luck is strong.


What is the best loot in Minecraft Dungeons?

The best loot in Minecraft Dungeons are items that have a rarity level of Rare and Unique, as of now in Minecraft Dungeons Beta there are at least 19 counted Unique weapons in the game and an unconfirmed amount of Unique Armors, and also rare Artifacts which only a few were ever collected and tried out by Beta testers.

Unique items are loot that holds a special ability solely for that item and contains very high stats, for example, one Unique weapon is The Green Menace bow, a bow that has a Poison cloud enchantment when you collect it. Besides the special abilities, they look stunning visually for your character and make you 10 times cool-looking in-game to show off to your friends.

Although we don’t have a brief description of every Unique item in-game because most Unique loots are possibly locked by the developers and will be attainable when Minecraft Dungeons officially releases, so we are limited in the information of what these other unique armors and weapons are and how they function which we will have to most likely wait for the release of Minecraft Dungeons or if any more information comes out.

But other than that, we will list down in the next section of the Weapons, Armors, and Artifacts to start looting for, which would mostly end up being Unique items.

Weapons, Armor and Artifacts to Loot

There are quite a lot of amazing items to loot in Minecraft, and most of which are considered hard but as well easy to get, but the ones we should consider in getting are obviously the rare or unique items. Thanks to the beta testers out there playing Minecraft Dungeons Beta and showing us all these cool looking items, we will be relying heavily on video and internet sources to make up this shortlist of current known items that are proven to be epic and useful for you.

Unique Melee Weapons:


Firebrand Axe, Highland Axe, Cursed Axe, Whirlwind


Soul Scythe, Frost Scythe


Great Hammer, Stormlander, Hammer of Gravity


Fangs of Frost


Diamond Pickaxes


Hawkbrand, Diamond Sword, Heartsteeler, Dark Katana, Dancer’s Sword, Diamond Sword, Eternal Knife, Truthseeker, Nameless Blade, Master’s Katana


Fighter’s Bindings, Maulers, Soul Fists


Grave Bane, Venow Glaive


Flail, Sun’s Grace


Nightmare’s Bite, The Last Laugh

Unique Ranged Weapons:


Guardian Bow, The Pink Scoundrel, The Green Menace, Red Snake, The Bone bow, Bow of Lost Souls, Elite Power Bow, Hunter’s Promise, Nocturnal Bow, Mechanical Shortbow, Master’s Bow, Power bow, Twin Bow, Trickbow, Soul bow, Red Snake bow, Purple Bow, Power Bow


Auto Crossbow, Azure Seeker, Heavy Crossbow, Voidcaller, The Slicer, Soul Crossbow, Slayer, Scatter, Rapid, Lightning Harp, Imploding Crossbow, Exploding Crossbow, Doom Crossbow, Feral Soul Crossbow, Firebolt Thrower, Harp Crossbow, Butter Fly Crossbow.

Common to Unique Armor:

Unique Fox Armor

Unique Highland Armor

Unique Wither Armor

Rare Wolf Armor

Grim Armor

Mystery Armor

Unique Archers Armor

Plate Armor

Common to Rare Artifacts:

Tasty Bone

Fireworks Arrow

Flaming Quiver

Rare Lightning Feather

Rare Wind Horn

Corrupt Beacon

Rare Boots of Swiftness

Totem of Shielding

Totem of Regeneration

Death Cap Mushrooms

Lightning Rod

Looting Guide for Pros for Minecraft Dungeons

The information for Looting in Minecraft Dungeons isn’t very clear and down to detail right now with the Beta being limited, but we do have the knowledge in how we can generally grind for loot, and get better equipment gradually.

Getting Better Gear

The only way to get better gear is by replaying levels over again, doing the same Dungeons, doing the same areas again, and fighting the same enemies again, all in which you have to repeatedly do. Loot drops are generated randomly among Mob drops and chest locations every time you set out to play again on each level, so the best way and only way is by replaying the levels, which by luck gives you the chance to find and acquire rare loot like a Unique weapon or Armor in a chest over time.

Getting Artifacts

Getting Artifacts is just like getting better gear, you have to constantly replay levels, and your artifacts will pile up eventually, artifacts can be acquired from mostly Mob drops, chests or level rewards when you complete the level.

Salvage garbage gear for more gear

There is what we call a salvage feature in Minecraft Dungeons, where it allows the players to salvage “garbage” unused gear for Emeralds, then you use these Emeralds to exchange for random gears that might be better than the ones you currently have, so give it a shot.

Use your emeralds

Of course, you can save it if you want, but there’s really no point but to only use it for Emeralds to exchange for a random gear from the Blacksmith, or Wandering Trader, so test out your luck, you might get a Unique gear or anything that may be better than the one you have equipped.

We hope this made you a better Looter!

Remember, keep grinding in order to get better items. That’s what Pros do, an endless grind and hard work to get rare items.

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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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