Faithful 64x 1.15.2 – Steven’s Traditional

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published December 4, 2019
Updated: December 4, 2019
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published December 4, 2019
Updated: December 4, 2019

Faithful 64x 1.15.2 is here and we’ve barely stepped into 1.15 territory for more than a couple of weeks. Fans of this favorite resource pack won’t have to wait any longer as the creators have kindly released versions working with the current snapshots. Read on to hear if this faithful-as-ever pack is still worth your time.

What is Faithful 64x 1.15.2?

Like it’s other resolution counterparts, Faithful 64x 1.15 is a recreation of the original Minecraft textures, focusing on being as faithful as possible to the original’s feel and charm. This isn’t just for fun though, as the pack increases the texture resolution to 64x, so it can cram a whole lot more detail into those blocky spaces.

Is Faithful 64x 1.15.2 fun to use?


The Faithful series is always a fantastic option for players who love how Minecraft looks but would just like to give the game a bit of a facelift. Faithful 64x 1.15 is absolutely no difference in this regard. If you’ve used the pack before, it’s still the same textures you love, just now compatible with the updates brought in by 1.15. All the fresh and new bee content is accounted for, so no more clashing textures if you’ve been playing on the snapshots without an updated version of Faithful installed.

In the Faithful series, my favorite updated block has to be cobblestone. It shows such a massive improvement on the original design, yet it clearly displays the same inspiration and overall message the default texture conveys. Rather than vanilla’s noisy cobblestone look, Faithful 64x 1.15.2 opts for a more stylistic and frankly more realistic approach to cobblestone, with a much more rounded design that reflects how the material looks in real life.

In contrast to this, blocks like the wooden plank variants seem to suffer from the increased amount of pixels available in the texture designs. Wooden planks are actually one of my favorite blocks in the entire game, and like many others, I use them in every build I do.

However, in Faithful, I find the blocks to be far too busy with visual information and they can be distracting when placed against many of the pack’s more visually pleasant blocks. Safe to say, if you find yourself in the same boat as me with previous iterations of the Faithful series, Faithful 64x 1.15 isn’t going to win you over any time soon.

With my thoughts out of the way, players who need a resource pack that brings Minecraft up a few notches on the resolution dial will absolutely love (and continue to love) Faithful and the newest 64x 1.15 version. 


What are the pros of Faithful 64x 1.15.2?

✔Improves upon Minecraft’s default textures

✔Brings higher resolution options to players who like vanilla textures

✔A faithful rendering of Minecraft’s original style

What are the cons of Faithful 64x 1.15.2?

X Some textures are less appealing than others

X Not much practical use outside of resolution

X Not recommended if you want a big stylistic change

How do you install Faithful 64x 1.15.2?

Get downloading this pack right now if you need something that’ll add just that bit of spark into your next Minecraft playthrough. If you’re not sure on how to install resource packs, fear not. We’ve got a handy guide below to show you the ropes.

First and most obvious step: download Faithful 64x 1.15. This will come in a zip file. Now you need to locate your Minecraft resource pack folder. You can do this easily by starting up Minecraft going to options>resource packs>open resource pack folder. Alternatively, you can access it out of Minecraft by going to one of the following directories:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft

When you’ve found the resource pack folder, simply drop the zip download in it. Finally, boot up Minecraft and go to the resource pack menu and select Faithful 64x as your pack of choice.

Faithful 64x 1.15.2 Preview

Faithful 64x 1.15 - 1 Faithful 64x 1.15 - 2

Faithful 64x 1.15 - 3

Optifine 1.15

To make sure that Faithful 64x 1.15 – Steven’s Traditional works as promised we have to remind you to install Optifine 1.15 first before anything else. It is required to have optifine installed into Minecraft together with Fraithful 64x 1.15. In order for you to be able to run this texture pack with no issues at all then you will need them both installed properly. Optifine isn’t only beneficial so that you can install this pack, but also an overall upgrade to your graphics settings as it adds a new batch of Options where you can customize how Minecraft looks to the bone.

It adds multiple new options such as control to fog, clouds, grass and everything else. You also get the added benefit of being able to run shaders to make the game even look more awesome than before. Optifine 1.15 combined with Faithful 64x 1.15 – Steven’s Traditional  is a sure fire way to make you love the game even more!

Faithful 64x 1.15.2 for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Faithful 64x 1.15.2

Faithful 64x 1.15.2 DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

3/5 - (3 votes)


Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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