Faithful 3D 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published July 28, 2020
Updated: July 28, 2020
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published July 28, 2020
Updated: July 28, 2020

Faithful 3D 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack is a resource pack for the latest nether-focused Minecraft snapshot for 1.16. With such an exciting snapshot full of awesome new content to play around with, it’s urgent that all our favourite resource packs are updated to let us play the exact way we want to. If you are eying on playing the current latest snapshot of Minecraft then you can try Faithful 32x 1.17 right now as well. This pack is a fantastic option for faithful players who are looking for something of a Minecraft facelift.

If you are interested in Faithful for PE or Bedrock, then awesome news for you because faithful 32×32 mcpe is also available for download. You can check it right now, download and install it within a few seconds.

What is Faithful 3D 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack?


Faithful 3D is a pack with a big name, and for good reason. This pack is something of a workhorse, and is able to produce some fantastic visual results while maintaining the inherent style and charm of Minecraft. Adding some much needed dimensional depth to Mincraft’s blocky world, Faithful 3D can make the game feel totally new, even to Minecraft veterans like myself!

Is Faithful 3D 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack fun to play with?

Yes, yes and triple yes. Faithful 3D is always a fantastic pack to play with, no matter what version or snapshot of Minecraft you are using. It combines an impressive amount of three-dimensional models and textures with the type of classic charm that Minecraft is so well-known for. Thankfully, this pack is available to enjoy with textures for all the new Nether content included.

I was particularly impressed by how the new Nether warped and crimson forest regions look in Faithful 3D. The colour pallete in these new areas is absolutely beautiful and it rivals some of the best biome mods out there. It really transforms the experience of these new biomes and it’s worth downloading this pack for that experience alone.


The boosted texture resolution that Faithful 3D provides is also a welcome addition. Although players who are steadfast in their devotion to vanilla Minecraft may dislike the vastly increased resolution size, many will find a lot to enjoy in the massively improved amount of detail in the game’s many blocks and items.

The pack also avoids the inevitability of the Nether looking a bit murky and hard to navigate in. The lighting and colour use in the textures of this pack keep everything looking bright and pleasant, while still keeping that spooky Nether style.

This pack is definitely one of the best ways to experience Minecraft 1.16’s deluge of Nether-related content. Don’t just settle with the game’s default textures. Give yourself a truly unique Minecraft playthrough with Faithful 3D as you fight, mine and discover all the exciting additions to Minecraft 1.16.

What’s good about Faithful 3D 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack?

✔ Great visual upgrade through 3D models and textures

✔ Texture resolution upgrade for brand new Nether content

✔ Manages to improve Minecraft’s visuals while staying faithful to the vanilla game

What’s not-so-good about Faithful 3D 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack?

X Won’t interest players who don’t enjoy faithful packs

X The boosted texture resolution may not appease die-hard faithful players

X Not much else!

How to install Faithful 3D 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack

Want to try out Minecraft’s brand-spanking-new Nether content but with a resource pack that really packs a punch? Then you’re in the right place! Simply check out my guide down below to see how you can install Faithful 3D (and most other packs) quickly and easily.

To start, download the zip file for Faithful 3D and keep the file somewhere you can find it again later. Next, go to Minecraft’s game files and open the folder with the name ‘resourcepacks’. One of the quickest ways to do this is done by opening Minecraft’s option menu and clicking on ‘resource packs’ and then ‘open resource pack folder’. You can also find the folder at one of the following file directories:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft

Now simply place the zip file inside of the resource pack folder. Make sure that you enable the pack as active within the game’s resource pack menu.

Faithful 3D 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack Preview


Faithful 3D 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pack for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Faithful 3D 1.16 – Minecraft Texture Pac

💾 Download Faithful 3D 1.16

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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