Faithful 256x 1.18 / 1.17.1 Texture Pack

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published June 14, 2021
Updated: June 14, 2021
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published June 14, 2021
Updated: June 14, 2021

Faithful 256x 1.18 texture packs are essentially an evolved variant of Faithful. There are millions of texture packs that you can find online right now. But, one pack is the king amongst all of them. Faithful texture packs have always been one of the most downloaded texture packs since it first came out. They have already been a staple in the history of Minecraft.

If you would ask anyone right now what is the most famous texture pack in the world most likely or not they would tell you it is Faithful. It has over tens of millions of downloads, and is always one of the most demanded texture packs ever. So buckle your seats and strap your boots on, we are going to be reviewing one of the most defined version of the genre called - Faithful 256x 1.18.

What is Faithful 256x 1.18 Pack


So what is this texture pack? How did it get it's name? And why is it so famous. Well to put it easily, players have always craved for Minecraft's textures to look a bit better. Yes we have grown to love the blocks and pixels but sometimes you just want more. This is why the faithful team designed and created Faithful 32x. This was the original version of Faithful. They never really realized they made a classic when millions of people started using it. Since then it has birthed tons of variations.

Faithful 256x - Canvas is an HD texture pack which fully elevates the entire way Minecraft appears without changing the themes and the overall style. It remains "faithful" to how Minecraft is supposed to be played. It retains the color schemes and original concept of the game. And yes, since it runs on 256x you can expect it to make the game less blocky by over 16 times.


Is Faithful 256x 1.18 Texture Pack Worth the Download

To answer the question, yes. This texture pack is a work of art. The overall details that it adds includes a shade of realism and authenticity without removing the essence of Minecraft. It's color combinations and shading are truly breathtaking and the seamlessness of the artwork work perfectly. We highly recommend this texture pack if you love High Definition textures without removing the essense of Minecraft.

As awesome as this pack is, it might not run properly without Optifine. This is why we always suggest that you download Optifine first rather than just trying to run this texture pack right away with vanilla Minecraft. This is because by default Minecraft was not designed to run on 128x, this is why you will need the help of Optifine to make it properly run.

If you love this texture pack you should show some love to the creator Gealx3. 


  • Has a nice HD resolution
  • Very well detailed and has amazing artwork
  • Remains "faithful" to how Minecraft was designed to look


  • Not suitable for slower devices
  • If you are trying to modify the way Minecraft's theme looks like, this might not be the pack for you

Faithful 256x 1.18 Texture Pack Preview

Faithful Canvas 128x 1.14.4 - 3

How to Download Faithful 256x 1.18 Texture Pack:

Step 1: How to Download from

If this is your first time downloading from our site, rest assured downloading from minecraft-resourcepacks is safe.  Before downloading review the basics of how to download a pack here.

Step 2: Download Optifine

Before attempting to download and install, you need to have Optifine to ensure the texture pack will run properly.

Step 3: Download Texture Pack

To start, download the zip file from the link below. Place the zip file into your Minecraft Resource Pack folder.

To find the folder easily, go to Minecraft’s options menu and navigate to resource packs>open resource pack folder. Alternatively, use the table below to see which file directory your folder is stored in.

File Locations of Minecraft Resource Packs Folder:






~/Library/Application Support/minecraft



With the resource pack folder open, place the zip file inside. Finally, activate the texture pack in-game via Minecraft’s resource pack menu on the game menu. free download links

Faithful 256x 1.18 Texture Pack Download

Below you can see legit downloads for Minecraft texture pack named Faithful 256x 1.18 Texture Pack. Click on the button to download now.

When to try to search the web or specifically our site, you might be able to find hundreds of Faithful texture packs. There are some that might be good however to be honest there are those we wouldn't even want to feature on our site. To prevent downloading buggy texture packs you can refer to our list of the 10 Best Faithful Resource Packs for Minecraft.

5/5 - (1 vote)

Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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