Xray Mod 1.15.2 – V68 with FullBright, Cave Finder and Fly

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published February 13, 2020
Updated: February 13, 2020
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published February 13, 2020
Updated: February 13, 2020

Another x-ray mod! This time it’s one with possibly the longest name around: Xray Mod 1.15.2 – V68 with FullBright, Cave Finder and Fly. Although it may sport a lengthy name, does it sport plenty of useful features for us Minecraft excavators? Keep reading to find out!

What is Xray Mod 1.15.2 – V68 with FullBright, Cave Finder and Fly?

As an x-ray mod, Xray Mod 1.15.2 – V68 with FullBright, Cave Finder and Fly does one simple thing: allows you to use x-ray vision in Minecraft. But as we all know, with great power comes great responsibility. So cheaters, begone! This is a review and rundown of the x-ray mod used solely for sensible means.

What can you do with  Xray Mod 1.15.2 – V68 with FullBright, Cave Finder and FlyMod installed?


X-ray mods are fairly simple in concept. By changing how the game loads and views certain blocks, these mods can make common terrain completely transparent, and Xray Mod 1.15.2 – V68 with FullBright, Cave Finder and Fly is no different in this regard.

By hitting the C key at any point during gameplay, you are granted the superpower of x-ray vision, allowing you to peer through entire swathes of the game to help you uncover all sorts of beneficial hidden goodies. With the x-ray vision enabled, you can easily spot cave systems, ravines, ore strains, hidden treasure and even your own constructions, which proves to be incredibly useful after a particularly confusing adventure where you might have lost your bearings

The biggest drawback to this particular mod pack is how it is nearly impossible to navigate Minecraft’s world with x-ray enabled. Oftentimes, x-ray packs will add certain textures or leave certain blocks alone, allowing you to still traverse the overworld with relative ease. But I find that this can be hit or miss depending on which pack you’re using. Unfortunately, in this pack I kept finding myself completely lost with no idea what was blocking my way, and I kept having to alternate between x-ray and the regular view to see where I was going. Though this is combatted through use of the x-ray configuration screen (read on to hear more).

As the title suggests, it does come bundled with some other features. In the top left hand corner of the screen, some new GUI has been added. These new additions show off your FPS, flying speed and your coordinates. The pack also includes FullBright, which fully illuminates the screen, and a fully configurable x-ray screen that allows you to tweak all the blocks in the game when it comes to rendering, resulting in a very comprehensive x-ray experience.

What’s good about the Xray Mod 1.15.2 – V68 with FullBright, Cave Finder and Fly?

✔ Very robust and comprehensive x-ray mod with customization options


✔ X-ray and standard view can be switched at any time

✔ Performance is solid, experienced no negative performance.

What’s not so good about the Xray Mod 1.15.2 – V68 with FullBright, Cave Finder and Fly?

X Not useful for a strict hardcore or singeplayer-style Minecraft playthrough

X Easily used for griefing or cheating on online servers

X Default x-ray view needs tweaking

How to install the Xray Mod 1.15.2 – V68 with FullBright, Cave Finder and Fly

Downloading mods can be confusing sometimes, so I’ve put together a short and simple guide on how to install Xray Mod 1.15.2 for Minecraft 1.15.2. Take a look below!

For this guide, we’ll be using Forge to run Xray Mod 1.15.2. To install Forge, check out our installation guide here. All you need to do is download the 1.15.2 version of Forge and open the installer. This will start the installation process which only takes a few clicks and a minute or two.

Download the Xray 1.15.2 Mod and open the executable jar file. You’ll be met with an installation window. Make sure Minecraft isn’t open and name it something recognisable. Then click create new profile. This will create a new Minecraft profile with the name you inputted.

Alternatively, place the jar file into your ‘mods’ folder created by Forge in your Minecraft files.

Now simply open up the Minecraft Launcher and select the new profile. Once the game is open, simply use the C key to toggle x-ray mode. Be sure to check out the controls menu to see the mod’s full list of controls.

Xray Mod 1.15.2 – V68 with FullBright, Cave Finder and Fly Preview


Xray Mod 1.15.2 – V68 for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Xray Mod 1.15.2 – V68

Xray Mod 1.15.2 – V68 DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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