Watterlogged Crypt – Minecraft Dungeon

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published November 28, 2019
Updated: November 28, 2019
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published November 28, 2019
Updated: November 28, 2019

Watterlogged Crypt: Another Zelda fully functional dungeon (Spanish) Minecraft Dungeon is a fantastically fun map that not only offers challenge, but uses creative game design to create a seamless experience that is up there with my favourite Zelda dungeons. Sound like something you’d be interested in? Then keep reading to see our review of this deep ‘n’ dark dungeon map!

What is Watterlogged Crypt: Another Zelda fully functional dungeon (Spanish) Minecraft Dungeon?

Watterlogged Crypt: Another Zelda fully functional dungeon (Spanish) Minecraft Dungeon is like if you took one of Zelda’s best dungeons and plopped it straight into Minecraft. It’s really that good. Even if you’ve never played the iconic Nintendo series, I highly recommend trying this dungeon out. It manages to blow vanilla Minecraft’s dungeons out of the water (heh).

What is Watterlogged Crypt: Another Zelda fully functional dungeon (Spanish) Minecraft Dungeon like to play?


I feel very confident in recommending this map to anyone. It’s a seriously enjoyable romp through a series of challenges and tasks that are both well-designed and creative. This map was a total blast to play through (or should that be splash?)

Zelda water dungeons are infamously disliked within the gaming community, and this dungeon clearly set out to break that stereotype. The rooms and challenges presented to you during your time playing don’t feel cheap or lazy and moving around in Minecraft water is generally a much easier experience to that of a lot of other underwater game levels.

You begin your adventure with no other option than to drop down a mysterious well. Don’t worry though, there’s water at the bottom. Once there you’ll make your way through a series of rooms and the general gist of the map will become clear to you. You’re goal is to go through sections of the map open to you to complete challenges, that will in turn unlock more areas for you to explore.

The place is riddled with secrets too and optional rewards if you’ve got the skills or the brains. The actual design of the dungeons are beautifully executed too, it felt incredibly thematic and the creator clearly went the extra mile to make you feel like you were exploring a deep, dank underworld.

As you might’ve guessed from the title, this map is in Spanish. Fear not my non-lantinx friends, as you won’t need to understand a lick of Spanish to play through this series of dank dungeons. This is honestly the only drawback to the map, and it doesn’t really affect it all that much in the end. Ultimately you’ll miss out from a bit of lore and worldbuilding, but to progress through the puzzles there’s no language skills required.

So why not download this epic dungeon map? Play through it solo or invite a couple of pals as you dive headfirst into the underwater themed adventure. And hey, you might even pick up a bit of Spanish while you’re at it.


What are Watterlogged Crypt’s pros?

✔Very enjoyable experience

✔High production value

✔Beautifully built and excellent game design

What are Watterlogged Crypt’s cons?

X Map does not have language options—only Spanish

X No other complaints!

How do you install Watterlogged Crypt: Another Zelda fully functional dungeon (Spanish)  – Minecraft Dungeon?

Like what you heard in our review and rundown of this wonderful water-based map? Great! Read our easy-to-follow guide below to see how to get it installed.

There’s no extra mods required for this map, so the installation process is super simple. First off, download the Waterlogged map (this will come as a zip file). Now using file extractor software Winrar or other) extract the contents to your Minecraft saves folder. If you’re not sure where that is or how to find it, you can find the location by using the directory table below:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft


Make sure all the contents of the zip file are extracted into a single folder. Name it something like ‘Waterlogged’ so you don’t lose it. Lastly, ensure that the ‘Waterlogged’ folder is placed inside the previously mentioned saves folder. Ultimately the directory should look like minecraft/saves/waterlogged.

Watterlogged Crypt: Another Zelda fully functional dungeon (Spanish)  – Minecraft Dungeon Preview

Watterlogged Crypt - Minecraft Dungeon - main Watterlogged Crypt - Minecraft Dungeon - 3

Watterlogged Crypt - Minecraft Dungeon - 2


Watterlogged Crypt – Minecraft Dungeon for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Watterlogged Crypt – Minecraft Dungeon

Watterlogged Crypt – Minecraft Dungeon DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

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Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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