The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published January 22, 2020
Updated: January 22, 2020
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published January 22, 2020
Updated: January 22, 2020

The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1 is a resource pack for Minecraft 1.15.1 that turns Minecraft into the iconic world of Hyrule from the best-selling video game series The Legend of Zelda. From Majora’s Mask moon to the master sword, this pack is the perfect love letter to the series about everyone’s favourite green-hatted hero. Love both of these giants of the gaming world? Then read on to find out what makes this pack so legendary.

What is The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1?

The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1 is a resource pack that transforms all of Minecraft’s textures and replaces them with textures straight out of Hyrule. Mixing the medieval RPG style of Zelda with the fantasy-adjacent history of Minecraft, this pairing is pretty much a match made in heaven. Even those without any history with the Zelda series, there’s a ton of content here to sift through and explore either solo or with a group of friends, à la Zelda: Four Swords.

What is The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1 like to play with?


Despite never having played a game in The Legend of Zelda series, I actually really enjoyed my time playing with The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1 in Minecraft. I’ve always seen Zelda’s classic RPG aesthetic as an appealing one and it’s clearly one that inspires a lot of Minecraft resource packs. On this basis, Legend of Zelda fits very well into the Minecraft framework, and it shows a lot of similarities with the thousands of other RPG-inspired resource packs.

Though, what makes The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1 obviously different to all of those RPG-inspired packs is how it draws direct references and inspiration from the eponymous video game series. Zelda has a very unique art style and aesthetic and it manages to shine through even in block-based format.

There’s things to discover everywhere with this pack installed. Even as a Zelda noob I recognised a ton of famous video game iconography. A lot of these come in more subtle forms, such as the hotbar being redesigned, the inclusion of the master sword and addition of a triforce item. What I liked about this is that because the creator had gone to the trouble of actually renaming the items, I never felt like I was seeing behind the curtain in anyway and the integrity of the Zelda facade was kept in tact. There’s also huge changes present as well, such as the giant moon from Majora’s Mask that hangs in the night sky as well as the game’s Zelda inspired menu screens and GUI.

What are the pros of The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1?

✔ Texture resolution upgraded from 16×16 to 32×32 resolution


✔ Fantastically designed textures that are faithful to Zelda and Minecraft

✔ Tons of Zelda details for fans to discover

What are the cons of The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1?

X Some blocks could use more Zelda inspiration

X Some blocks are left unaffected by the texture changes

X Not much content that appeals towards non-fans of Zelda

How to install The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1

Want to have some Hyrule adventures in Minecraft and roleplay as blocky Link? Well you’ve come to the right paragraph my friend. Just below you’ll find my handy guide on resource pack installation where I go step-by-step in installing resource packs for Minecraft 1.15.1 and beyond. It’s easy!

First, download The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1 as a zip file and place the downloaded file somewhere safe. Once that’s done, find and open the ‘resourcepack’ folder in your Minecraft game files. To do this easily, go to Minecraft’s option menu and select ‘resource packs’ and then ‘open resource pack folder’, which will open the correct folder automatically. You can also go through your file directories manually by using the table below, if you want to access the folder without opening up Minecraft.

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft

Lastly, place The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1 into the resource pack folder and activate the pack through Minecraft’s resource pack menu.

The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1 Preview

The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1 - 1 The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1 - 2

The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1 - 3

The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1 for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1

The Legend of Zelda 1.15.1 DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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