Soft Bits 1.15

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published December 10, 2019
Updated: December 10, 2019
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published December 10, 2019
Updated: December 10, 2019

Soft Bits 1.15 is a resource pack for Minecraft 1.15 that gives the game a wholesome, and might I say, soft new look. Gone away are all the harsh textures and unwanted visual noise. Now you can enjoy Minecraft in its purest form—styled as a big soft play room. Keep reading to see my review on what makes this pack a perfect choice for all us softies out there.

What is Soft Bits 1.15?

Soft Bits 1.15 is a resource pack that isn’t focused on looking cool, tough, or overly macho. Instead this delightful little pack prides itself on its sensitivity. With this pack enabled, the entire game of Minecraft is transformed into a soft cushiony world that would make even the likes of Kirby run for his money.

Is Soft Bits 1.15 fun to use?


My time playing with Soft Bits 1.15 for this review was great. I am one of those players that definitely feels a bit of Minecraft fatigue when it comes to resource packs that rely heavily on very serious, very high resolution textures, so when I heard of a pack that was aimed at just the opposite of that, I had to give it ago.

Thankfully my expectations were completely met as soon as I jumped into my regular Minecraft world. The builds that I know so well were now covered in soft, almost minimalistic textures, and I was seeing my creations in a totally new way.

I think there’s a tendency for a lot of players to seek out packs that aim for the best graphics possible, and focus solely on achieving as much realism as they can. This is a noble effort, but it’s packs like Soft Bits 1.15 that prove that you don’t need a powerhouse computer to have good Minecraft visuals.

I particularly enjoyed the naturally spawning blocks. Just walking around a typical woodland area gave off such a unique tone thanks to the new block art styles, that I felt the same way I did when I spawned into my first ever Minecraft world all those years ago. Saying that, I think that’s why this pack works so well.


There’s a nostalgic aspect to it that I can’t quite explain, an almost childlike quality that really wins you over. That said, if you’re not into more cute-sy art styles or don’t like things that are designed minimalistically, you probably won’t enjoy this pack.

If you’re looking to minimize and flatten Minecraft’s textures to create a beautifully soft blocky world for you to run around in, you need to download Soft Bits 1.15. This is perfect for players of all ages who appreciate that sometimes you just need a relaxing resource pack; one that holds your hand and takes you for a gentle stroll across the overworld.

What are the pros of Soft Bits 1.15?

✔Beautifully simple and soft textures

✔Creates a very relaxing and nostalgic atmosphere

✔Perfect for younger and older players

What are the cons of Soft Bits 1.15?

X Not recommended for players who prefer high resolution packs

X Would not recommend for players who like realistic packs

X Probably too simple for some tastes

How do you install Soft Bits 1.15?

Just talking about Soft Bits 1.15 has got me feeling all relaxed all over again! If you’d like to turn your Minecraft world into a soft paradise, why not download and install the pack today? Use the guide below on how to install resource packs for Minecraft 1.15

The first step is to—as you might’ve guessed—download the pack. This will come as a zip file, by the way. Once the download is complete you’ll need to find the location of your resource pack folder. If you don’t know where it is, boot up Minecraft and from the main menu screen select options>resource packs>open resource pack folder. You can also access the folder without starting Minecraft by going to one of the following directories:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft

Once the resource pack folder is open, drop your zip download into it. Now, start up Minecraft and enable the resource pack as your current pack in the resource pack menu.

Soft Bits 1.15 Preview

Soft Bits 1.15 - 1

Soft Bits 1.15 - 3

Soft Bits 1.15 for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Soft Bits 1.15

Soft Bits 1.15 DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

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Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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