Red UHC PvP Texture Pack was made by Newlele. He is an upcoming french Texture Pack Creator that started making Packs about a year ago. Newlele already submitted 3 packs but this one is the first that got a review by Pack Nation. He submitted the Red Mashup UHC PvP Texture Pack by webform. The UHC PvP Texture Pack is based on a pretty low resolution to not cause lag. However, we recommend using it with Optifine HD if you play PvP. Newlele provided a MediaFire Download URL to download his Red UHC Minecraft PvP Texture Pack.
How to install Red UHC PvP Resource Pack 1.10.4/1.10?
We recommend the 4-step installation below
1. Install the Optifine HD Mod
2. Run Minecraft.
3. Navigate from “options” > “Resource Packs” > “Open resource packs folder”.
4. Drag and drop the PvP Texture Pack into the folder that just opened.
2. Run Minecraft.
3. Navigate from “options” > “Resource Packs” > “Open resource packs folder”.
4. Drag and drop the PvP Texture Pack into the folder that just opened.
If you don’t need/want the Optifine HD Mod don’t install it.
Red UHC Minecraft PvP Texture Pack Review
Download Newlele UHC PvP Texture Pack
4.4/5 - (102 votes)
good pack i like it !!!
i luv it 😀