Dragon’s PvP Default Edit (PURPLE!) 1.13 |Faithful

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published December 3, 2020
Updated: December 3, 2020
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published December 3, 2020
Updated: December 3, 2020

PVP Default Edit 1.13 – Dragon’s PvP Default Edit is an awesome texture pack created by ItzDragonYT. This pack follows the default textures of vanilla Minecraft however it focuses on the PvP aspect of the game as it edits your diamond armor and weapons set with an awesome purple texture designed to look perfect for PvP.

PVP Default Edit 1.13 runs with the latest version of Minecraft and is on 16×16 resolution. This pack is perfect for 1.13 PvP as it has a very fast FPS and is compatible with most other mods and servers.


If you are interested in Faithful for PE or Bedrock, then awesome news for you because faithful texture pack mcpe is also available for download. You can check it right now, download and install it within a few seconds.

If you love this pack and want to have more in the future, you can show your love to DUSTSTORM_YT. You can check his Youtube Channel to support him. You can check more PVP packs over here.


To make sure you get the best game experience possible we strongly recommend using PvP Texture Pack in combination with Optifine. For the best PvP experience, we recommend you use Minecraft version 1.8 or 1.7.

How to install PVP Default Edit 1.13 – Dragon’s PvP Default Edit?

If you don’t know how to install the PVP Default Edit 1.13 – Dragon’s PvP Default Edit just look below, we’ll provide you with a short tutorial there. This installation guide should work with all Minecraft versions. To see the Official Download Links just scroll down.

Simple 6-step installation below is recommended! 

1. Make sure you have installed Optifine.
2. Download the PVP Default Edit 1.13 – Dragon’s PvP Default Edit from the official links.
3. Start Minecraft, navigate to “options” then.
4. Navigate from “options” > “Resource Packs” > “Open resource packs folder”.
5. Drag and drop the pack into the folder.
6. When you now launch Minecraft you should see the Pack.

PVP Default Edit 1.13 – Dragon’s PvP Default Edit Download

PVP Default Edit 1.13 - a PVP Default Edit 1.13 - b

PVP Default Edit 1.13 - c
PVP Default Edit 1.13 - d
PVP Default Edit 1.13 - e PVP Default Edit 1.13 - f PVP Default Edit 1.13 - g


PVP Default Edit 1.13 – Dragon’s PvP Default Edit Download

Download Links of PVP Default Edit 1.13 – Dragon’s PvP Default Edit are listed below:

PVP Default Edit 1.13 – Dragon’s PvP Default Edit DOWNLOAD

Pack submitted by BrainD34D

4.4/5 - (18 votes)


Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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