OneBlock Extreme 1.19.2 → 1.19 Minecraft Map

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published June 21, 2022
Updated: June 21, 2022
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published June 21, 2022
Updated: June 21, 2022

OneBlock Extreme 1.19.2 Minecraft Map is a very enjoyable custom world which tests your skills and talents in surviving in the game.

This Minecraft Map has all of the features and custom content to keep you glued to your seat for multiple hours. You can either read the guides or you can just discover them yourself.


It features new craftable methods, custom mobs and what is better is that you do not have to download anything else except the world itself.

What is OneBlock Extreme 1.19.2 Minecraft Map

This amazing map is a spiced up version of OneBlock which has become a classic map which has been heavily played by tons of players.


It is criticized as one of the most challenging yet rewarding world in the history of Minecraft as you are required to use a combination of all your skills garnered as you play the game.

For some, it is an even harder version of SkyBlock. The difference is that with SkyBlock you get a decent amount of land while on this one, all you ever get is one block of dirt to begin with.

This fun map was designed and created by cnonehk for the purpose of adding more fun and gaming fulfillment to all Minecraft players.

OneBlock Extreme 1.19 Minecraft Map

Is Extreme OneBlock Worth the Download

If you enjoy a challenge or want to test how good you really are with Minecraft then this would be the ideal map to test all of your skills.

You will need to dig deep in your survival skills to be able to get all the resources needed to be able to sustain in OneBlock Extreme. At the same time you also need to use agility, parkour and fighting skill to fend of mobs and survive leaps.

It is recommended that you download and install Optifine 1.19.2 to ensure that you have one of the most enjoyable time while playing with this map.

Read below to find some guides with regards to the custom crafting, custom mobs and more custom features on this fun world.


  • Adds tons of enjoyable hours
  • Plenty of custom craftable for you to enjoy
  • Has a very good value in terms of making Minecraft fun again


  • Disrupts the original gameplay as the custom items and craftable are far from the original concepts and dynamics
  • Would require you to have tons of skills and talent to survive even a day
  • Without the guidelines of the custom items and mobs it is very hard to figure out for yourself

OneBlock Extreme Preview

OneBlock Extreme 1.19 Minecraft Map - 2
OneBlock Extreme 1.19 Minecraft Map - 3
OneBlock Extreme 1.19 Minecraft Map - 4

OneBlock Extreme 1.19.2 Custom Content Guide

How to Download OneBlock 1.19.2 Minecraft Map:

Step 1: How to Download from

If this is your first time downloading from our site, rest assured downloading from minecraft-resourcepacks is safe.  Before downloading review the basics of how to download a pack here.

Step 2: Download Optifine

Before attempting to download and install, you need to have Optifine to ensure the texture pack will run properly.

Step 3: Download The Map

To start, download the zip file from the link below. Place the zip file into your saves folder.

To find the folder easily, go to Minecraft’s options menu and navigate to resource packs, then go back one folder up, open the saves folder. Alternatively, use the table below to see which file directory your folder is stored in.

File Locations of Minecraft Resource Packs Folder:






~/Library/Application Support/minecraft



With the saves open, place the zip file inside and unzip the file. Afterwards you can delete the zip file. Finally, load the saved world in-game via Minecraft’s on the game menu.

OneBlock Extreme 1.19.2 Minecraft Map Download

Below you can see legit downloads for Minecraft texture pack named OneBlock Extreme 1.19.2 Minecraft Map Download. Click on the button to download now.

💾 Download OneBlock Extreme 1.19.1 Minecraft Map

💾 Download OneBlock Extreme 1.19 Minecraft Map

This awesome world has tons of features that can make you enjoy Minecraft at a different perspective however you can play other Survival Maps that we have featured as well.

If you love this version of Minecraft we have plenty more 1.19 texture packs that you can download and install absolutely for free.

5/5 - (3 votes)

Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

  • Hi I have been playing this game for a few days. I have just gotten to the point where I can start building (I have iron / 2x water / lava ) Now my game crashes after a minute or so of being loaded. If I do anything within that time I lose it. So if I grab a sword from a chest when I log back on the sword is gone (not in chest or inventory). It’s really frustrating since I was just starting to make progress. Any suggestions?

    • it normal, you have to make all recipes only with dirt, but with special recipes
      for example, make saplig with one dirt, for having wood, and later use sapligs for convert into bonemeal in composter (need a lot), after that you can use 3 bonemeal and 1 dirt to make gravel, and after, 1 gravel for making 1 iron nuget …..etc …
      Very long gameplay 🙂 i love it

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}
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