OneBlock 1.19.2 → 1.18.2 Minecraft Map

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published April 14, 2022
Updated: April 14, 2022
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published April 14, 2022
Updated: April 14, 2022

OneBlock 1.19.2 Minecraft Map is one of the most revolutionary Minecraft maps known to the Minecraft universe with due respects to Bedwars.

It has become one of the most popular survival maps due to the fact that you can fully test all of your Minecraft skills while trying to stay alive and not fall from the sky.


Think of it as SkyBlock but one leg. You will need to be crafty, smart, and agile in terms of being able to create your own actual floating land to completely survive the challenge.

What is OneBlock 1.19.2 Minecraft Map

If you have been hiding under a rock or just stopped playing Minecraft for some time then you probably already know what OneBlock is.


This new and innovative survival map challenges players entire Minecraft knowledge and skill by making them need to survive while starting with just one block floating in the sky.

Players will need to combine parkour skills and crafting skills to be able to successfully make their land bigger to create new resources and food to be able to live and continue playing.

To make matters even more challenging you are on a floating block in the sky. So, if you fall, you will most definitely die.

Some servers have even made this map more entertaining by applying PvP gameplay together wit the map. So players will need to survive, not fall, and fight off any intruders who want to steal their items and valuables.

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Is OneBlock Map Worth the Download

If you are somewhat starting to get bored of the default gameplay of Minecraft in Survival mode and creative mode and want to challenge your skills, downloading OneBlock is going to give you that spark.

To make visuals even better you can use a resource pack and a Minecraft shader to make things even more interesting.

This map is full of excitement, fun, and tons of challenges for you to solve. It also has tons of custom achievements that you can attain by doing certain tasks and objectives.

It is also advised that you download and install Optifine to fully enjoy this map together with your customizations and settings.


  • Tests your overall Minecraft skills
  • Is a harder and more complicated version of SkyBlock
  • Completely challenging and gives you tons of fun for multiple hours


  • Might be a little too difficult for newer players
  • Without looking at guides, would take you some time to figure out how to survive

OneBlock Survival Map Preview

OneBlock 1.18.2 Minecraft Map - 1
OneBlock 1.18.2 Minecraft Map - 3
OneBlock 1.18.2 Minecraft Map - 4

How to Download OneBlock 1.19.2 Minecraft Map:

Step 1: How to Download from

If this is your first time downloading from our site, rest assured downloading from minecraft-resourcepacks is safe.  Before downloading review the basics of how to download a pack here.

Step 2: Download Optifine

Before attempting to download and install, you need to have Optifine to ensure the texture pack will run properly.

Step 3: Download The Map

To start, download the zip file from the link below. Place the zip file into your saves folder.

To find the folder easily, go to Minecraft’s options menu and navigate to resource packs, then go back one folder up, open the saves folder. Alternatively, use the table below to see which file directory your folder is stored in.

File Locations of Minecraft Resource Packs Folder:






~/Library/Application Support/minecraft



With the saves open, place the zip file inside and unzip the file. Afterwards you can delete the zip file. Finally, load the saved world in-game via Minecraft’s on the game menu.

OneBlock 1.19.2 Minecraft Map Download

Below you can see legit downloads for Minecraft texture pack named OneBlock 1.19.2 Minecraft Map. Click on the button to download now.

💾 Download OneBlock 1.19 Minecraft Map

💾 Download OneBlock 1.18.2 Minecraft Map

This is one of the most exciting and challenging Minecraft survival maps however we also have SkyBlock available for download if you want to scale it down a bit.

If you want to try maps and builds for Minecraft, you might want to try our extensive collection of Minecraft Maps. You can download any of them for free.

Aside from that we have a wide array of Minecraft 1.18.1 Resource Packs and Minecraft 1.18 Resource Packs which you can download and use for free.

3.5/5 - (4 votes)

Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

  • Does this map include the feature of phases? E.g. phases of different biomes and blocks generating that are found in that biome. If so, do you get chests with new things such as saplings and water buckets in them in each phase?

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}
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