Minecraft Has Been Beaten Blindfolded Under an Hour 

 Last Modified November 1, 2021

 Published November 1, 2021

By  Peter Schwartz

Minecraft Beaten Blindfolded Under an Hour - main

Another world record has been broken as Minecraft has been beaten blindfolded and what's more amazing is it only took 33 minutes.

The Minecraft player named FrozenMelody defeated the ender dragon and completed the game in just over half an hour.


FrozenMelody broke the record on October 13, 2021. The total running time for completing the feat was 33:35. The whole video can be seen in his YouTube Channel.

The Set-Up

The run was classed as an "Any per cent Set Seed" attempt. Meaning that the run was completed on a Minecraft world which was pre-chosen.


To make it clearer, it was a Minecraft world which was not randomly generated. However, just because it was pre-set does not mean it isn't as amazing as it is.

The run was completed with no external sound, which implies the only audio they had came from the game itself.

They even included in the description of the video that when the world and route was designed, it was created to be safe as can be.

It is even stated that anyone who has the ability to memorize the routes can replicate the feat of beating the game blindfolded.

This of course, provided that you don't make personal input mistakes. The only remaining problem is random number generation of mobs.

“There will be other runs following this, and their time will beat this easily. Sub 30, and even sub 20. Heck, you know someone will be that one who went with the bed strats and FINALLY pulled it off once and got a sub 5″.

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Failures and Defeats

Just because the run was planned and used a memorized seed, does not make the challenge any easier.

Failed attempts by FrozenMelody appear to number in the hundreds, with blunders like misclicks, inaccurate movements, villagers pushing them, and even picking up some items which weren't needed or required.

The YouTuber has made a guarantee that other players can beat the record easily. He admits that there are some players who might be more skilled than him.

Aside from the pre-selected seed there were also some Minecraft mods which were used to make the challenge possible.

However, they were very minimal and only served the purpose for camera angles and inventory management to aid in being blindfolded.

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"Minecraft has so much potential and replay value that it appears to be limitless, but one individual manages to accomplish something that looks nearly unimaginable."

Breaking the Record

FrozenMelody is not the first Minecraft player who completed Minecraft blindfolded.

There were other players who did it in the past however it took them more than 24 hours of game time to complete.

His enthusiasm for the game is so great that he devotes the playthrough to preparing for the remainder of the run, including gathering items, somehow trading with villagers, and sleeping at some points.

This is a long video that contains a lot of still images. Hundreds of attempts have been made at it before this run and can be seen on his channel.

This final video demonstrates the successful run and shows how much time has been invested in mastering the challenge.

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Crazy Records in Minecraft

Aside from this amazing record there are also some other amazing records in Minecraft.

Minecraft records have become so popular that they are even featured in the Guinness World Records.

Some of the other amazing world records include a teenager from the UK who created the longest Redstone trail which totaled 33,000 blocks.

Another record also showcases the longest video game streaming marathon of a whopping 35 hours which is held by a man from Green Bay, US.

One of the craziest records in Minecraft is the two minutes and twenty-three seconds speed run done by admiral_stapler.

FrozenMelody's record of completing the game blindfolded looks like it is going to be there for some time. Unless someone memorizes the paths and routes fast.

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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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