EscapeMC: The Dungeon – Minecraft Dungeon

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published December 3, 2019
Updated: December 3, 2019
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published December 3, 2019
Updated: December 3, 2019

EscapeMC: The Dungeon – Minecraft Dungeon is a dungeon map that warms the bottom of my old blocky heart. It’s absolutely full of charm and whimsy that just left a huge smile on my face. Want to know what all the fuss is about? Keep reading!

What is EscapeMC: The Dungeon – Minecraft Dungeon?

EscapeMC: The Dungeon is a beautifully thought out 2-player map that takes massive inspiration from other single player games to create a series of puzzles as you and a buddy attempt to escape from the dungeon you find yourselves imprisoned within. You’ll need wits, creative thinking, and most of all teamwork to get through this puzzling set of challenges. Can you and your friend escape the dungeon?

What’s EscapeMC: The Dungeon – Minecraft Dungeon like to play?


Sorry single players, this map is for those of you with a close buddy who also happens to own a copy of Minecraft. I have to say right off the bat that EscapeMC: The Dungeon is a fantastic bit of custom Minecraft content. I had an absolute blast playing through this map. From the head-scratching puzzles to the extra mod features, this map deserves to become a game in its own right.

You start your cooperative journey trapped inside a cell. To make matters worse you and your friend and locked in separate cells, so there’s no way to interact with one another other than through communication such as text or voice chat.

I love this aspect of the map. Describing to each other what you can see and how you can help each other out is fantastic game design and really drives home the cooperative focus the map has. I must say though, as player 1 I found the first puzzle to be very difficult to figure out. You’ve really got to know your stuff about Minecraft to help you through the challenges on offer.


That’s not to say that the map is impossible to more casual players, but you’re going to need a bit of foundational knowledge to help you think outside the box. Luckily for trivia-challenged players like me, the pack includes a helpsheet in the file documents in case you get stuck at any point and need a hint to get to the next area.

Although the install was a bit arduous, the modded content really added to the overall experience and provides features that otherwise wouldn’t work in vanilla Minecraft. So you’ve been warned: do not play this without the extra content as it will not work!

A beautiful cooperative experience for you and your friend, what more could you ask for? Play either in the same room or online, you’re bound to have an absolute blast making your way through this challenging but fantastically made co-op map. 

What’s good about EscapeMC: The Dungeon – Minecraft Dungeon?

✔Awesome mod content

✔Fantastic cooperative experience

✔Genuinely challenging puzzles

What’s not so good about EscapeMC: The Dungeon – Minecraft Dungeon?

X 2 player only experience—nothing here for solo play

X Puzzles can be quite hard

X Best played with third party voice chat

How to install EscapeMC: The Dungeon – Minecraft Dungeon

Has all my talk about cooperative craziness got you craving for some fun times with you and your buddy? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Use our easy guide below on how to install EscapeMC: The Dungeon quickly.

First you need to install Forge. Check out our post about Forge here and follow the installation guide if you don’t have it already.

You’ll also need to access your .minecraft folder a few times for this process. So if you don’t know where that is, use this table and follow the directory for your computer operating system:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft

This map has a few downloads that come with it, so download the map and open the zip with a file extractor such as Winrar. You should see a number of different folders inside. First, take the pack called ‘The Dungeon Mods’. Now go to your .minecraft folder and look for the folder named ‘mods’. If there isn’t one, make one and place ‘Dungeon Mods’ inside. Back in the zip folder you should see a folder named ‘EscapeMC’.

Like the previous step, drag the folder, but this time place it into your ‘saves’ folder. There’s also a shader pack included. This is optional but if you’d like to use it, repeat the same process as before but place it in your ‘shaderpacks’ folder.

EscapeMC: The Dungeon – Minecraft Dungeon Preview

EscapeMC The Dungeon - Minecraft Dungeon - 1 EscapeMC The Dungeon - Minecraft Dungeon - 2

EscapeMC The Dungeon - Minecraft Dungeon - 3

EscapeMC: The Dungeon – Minecraft Dungeon for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for EscapeMC: The Dungeon – Minecraft Dungeon

EscapeMC: The Dungeon – Minecraft Dungeon DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

5/5 - (1 vote)


Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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