Dwemer Underground – Minecraft Dungeon

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published November 28, 2019
Updated: November 28, 2019
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published November 28, 2019
Updated: November 28, 2019

Dwemer Underground – Minecraft Dungeon is an epically large Minecraft dungeon map that stands above so many others due to its expansive size, multiplayer-focused design and countless hours of fun. Wish I’d stop delaying and just talk about the map? Ok, let’s do it!

What is Dwemer Underground – Minecraft Dungeon?

Dwemer Underground – Minecraft Dungeon is a dungeon map that was made for an all-night Minecraft gaming session with a couple of pals. But don’t worry if you’re like me and haven’t got anyone other than your cat to play with, as this is a great dungeon map for solo play too. There’s a lot to explore with this map, so let my try to cover all the bases.

What’s Dwemer Underground – Minecraft Dungeon like to play?


As far as I can tell, Dwemer Underground takes its name from the Dwemer people, an advanced but long-gone race of Elves from the Elder Scrolls series. If none of that made much sense to you it’s okay, none of that info will affect your time in Dwemer Underground.

Like the people the map takes its name from, this map spends a lot of its time underground and without sunlight. Perfect for a dungeon map, wouldn’t you say? At the start of your dungeon journey you and (if you wish) your friends will be placed into an introductory spawn area. Here each of you choose an area to start in.

The idea is that you’ll all begin in different areas so that you can survive and conquer the area you’ve been given. The creator explicitly states that both PvP and cooperation is allowed, so it’s up to you and your friends if you want to be friendly or if you’d rather fight to the death. The map is also fairly scalable beyond just 4 players, as you could easily split teams amongst the different spawn points, which would make for some great large scale multiplayer shenanigans.

The map is filled to the brim with content, so I highly suggest that you cooperate at least some of the time so you and your friends can uncover all the secrets this map has to offer. There’s scripted boss fights, traps, mini dungeons, custom day/night cycle within dungeons and even detailed lore!


It’s a great feeling to be dropped straight into the middle of a carefully constructed experience without any real rules to slow you down. Once you’re in there, it’s up to you to decide how you play, which is always a fantastic approach to Minecraft’s inherent open-endedness.

My only gripes are that playing solo isn’t quite as good as playing with friends, and that playing on 1.14.4 directly seems to not agree with the map’s spawnpoint. Personally I had to use one of the more recent snapshots to make the spawn work as intended.

What are Dwemer Underground – Minecraft Dungeon’s pros?

✔Large map size and tons of content

✔Lots of detail and high production value

✔Great for solo or multiplayer sessions

What are One Block Dungeon – Minecraft Dungeon’s cons?

X Not as enjoyable playing solo

X Be careful playing on older versions

How do you install One Block Dungeon – Minecraft Dungeon?

You ready to explore a detailed dungeon world with you and some friends? Before you hop into your diamond gear, take a read of our handy guide below to see how to get this map installed in less than 10 minutes.

Firstly, download the map. This will download as a zip file. Once downloaded, take the zip file and extract it to a location of your choosing. Then place the unzipped folder into your Minecraft saves folder. Not sure where that is? Use the table below to find the correct directory for your computer’s operating system:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft

When the folder is safely in your saves, you’ll be able to access it from the Minecraft singleplayer save list. It’s the exact same process for multiplayer, but instead of your own saves folder, you’ll need to find your server’s save directory. This will be different with whatever you use to run your server, but once you do find it, just replace the world folder with the Dwemer Underground one.

Dwemer Underground – Minecraft Dungeon Preview

Dwemer Underground - Minecraft Dungeon - 2 Dwemer Underground - Minecraft Dungeon - 3

Dwemer Underground - Minecraft Dungeon

Dwemer Underground – Minecraft Dungeon for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Dwemer Underground – Minecraft Dungeon

Dwemer Underground – Minecraft Dungeon DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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