Calm Ambience – Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published January 17, 2020
Updated: January 17, 2020
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published January 17, 2020
Updated: January 17, 2020

Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1 is a pack for Minecraft resource 1.15 that might seem like the perfect choice for when you want to sit back and enjoy a relaxing round of Minecraft. Though you’d actually be wrong! This unusual pack has a strange secret. Got your interest? Keep reading to find out more about this mysterious resource pack!

What is Calm Ambience – Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1?

Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1 is a funny pack to play with. The big secret is that this pack is actually a troll pack. Although the title suggests a wonderfully calming experience whilst you dig holes and punch trees, the actual experience is completely opposite. It’s a great option to troll your friends, but not so great for having a nice time on your own.

What is Calm Ambience – Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1 like to play with?


Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1 is a bizarre pack to play with. From the name of the pack I was expecting a wonderfully relaxing Minecraft experience. Many of you will know that I love an atmospheric and relaxing time playing my favourite game. Boy how I was wrong.

As I’ve subsequently realised, Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1 is actually a troll pack. Rather than giving you, the player, a soothing and calming experience by changing the vanilla game’s music files, the pack changes the music files to give you a haunting and scary experience instead.

There’s 3 new music tracks added to the game that replace Minecraft’s pleasantly-ambient soundtrack. These new songs are very experimental and almost industrial sounding, and that alone is going to help to scare a lot of players who are less well versed in out-there musical genres. One of the tracks has a spooky office centre phone ring play throughout whilst a sinister drone hums in the background, creating a surprisingly unsettling final result.

The songs on here are actually fairly faithful to the style of Minecraft’s soundtrack, with lots of the songs being made up of various simple and organic-feeling sounds and textures. This particularly helps to really make the impact of the songs hit hard, letting those first moments where the spooky new songs play come as a true surprise, in a kind of creepypasta sort of way.

Although the songs are conceptually interesting and experimental, this pack is ultimately a practical joke pack. It was a funny experience to install the pack and be surprised by these unnerving songs, though I don’t think there’s too many people out there who’d get much of a kick out of listening to these songs willingly.

What are the pros of Calm Ambience – Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1?

✔ Funny troll pack


✔ Inconspicuous prank resource pack

✔ Scary, haunting ambient tracks

What are the cons of Calm Ambience – Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1?

X Not really useful beyond a silly joke

X Troll pack

X Not particularly useful for general Minecraft play

How to install Calm Ambience – Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1

Never installed a resource pack before? Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Down below I’ve included my simple installation guide on installing resource packs for Minecraft 1.15.1. Follow it and you’ll be playing in no time!

To begin, start the zip download for Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1. When the download is finished, place the zip file somewhere until later. Now, find and open the folder named ‘resourcepacks’ in your Minecraft files. To find this folder easily, navigate to Minecraft’s option menu and click on ‘resource packs’ and then ‘open resource pack folder’. Alternatively, you can manually sift through your computer’s files using the following table of file directories:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft

Place the downloaded zip file into the open resource pack folder. Finally, go into Minecraft’s in-game resource pack menu and enable Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1 as active.

Calm Ambience – Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1 Preview

Calm Ambience - Dahy's World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1 - 1 Calm Ambience - Dahy's World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1 - 2

Calm Ambience - Dahy's World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1 - 3

Calm Ambience – Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1 for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Calm Ambience – Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1

Calm Ambience – Dahy’s World Sound Resource Set 1.15.1 DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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