Alex Reloaded Skin

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published October 12, 2019
Updated: October 12, 2019
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published October 12, 2019
Updated: October 12, 2019

Alex Reloaded Skin – New Alex Remake!

Alex Reloaded Skin is a Minecraft skin that transforms the classic Alex we all know and love into a whole new skin! Love playing as Alex but want an outfit that’s a little fresher? Keep reading!

What is the Alex Reloaded skin?


As the name may suggest, this skin reworks Alex’s classic Minecraft look into a fresh new do. With the update, Alex’s more androdgynous features have been brushed aside for a more feminine-coded look.

Alex’s hair is probably the most defining feature of the classic skin, and this reloaded version doesn’t forget that. Alex’s hair is now much more voluminous by using the top skin layers in the design, and now has a much heavier fringe.


The single long streak of hair has also changed and has become two streaks that flow down each shoulder. Speaking of shoulders, Alex’s classic green tunic has been replaced with an off the shoulder crop top. Likewise her trousers are now shorts and her boots are looking a little fancier. There’s also an appearance of a choker in this version of Alex, which really throws the skin into the modern era.

Alex’s eyes have also seen a makeover, with clear inspiration coming from other classic Minecraft skin creators. Rather than using the simple two pixel long horizontal line, the creator has opted for the 4×4 pixel eye to create a much larger pair of eyes. The result is certainly familiar if you’ve seen the plethora of girl-described skins over the years.

The very feminine take that the creator has gone for is certainly inspired. The small details add up to make quite a substantial difference to the original skin. Some of the results of this leaves the top of the skin’s hair appearing more dynamic, the belt and buckle having more depth, and let more finer details pop up, such as the newly added sock suspenders.

With that said, some choices feel a bit over-the-top, like the inclusion of a crop top coupled with blushing cheeks and a laurel wreath. The skin is sweet, and manages to avoid looking like a completely different artstyle, but it would have been nice to see Alex suited up in something a bit more practical.

Understandably, the large hair also takes up a lot of this skin. From the front it gives Alex a more youthful look, yet from the back the hair starts to take up more room. I do appreciate the composition of placing more detail on the top of the head to try and combat this, and ultimately it works well.

If you love playing as Alex and are looking for something new but not too unfamiliar, you really can’t go wrong with this sweet (and very girly) version of Alex for you Minecraft skin.

What’s good about the Alex Reloaded skin?

✔Well designed
✔Tons of detail
✔Stays faithful to Minecraft’s artstyle and classic Alex skin

What isn’t as good about the Alex Reloaded skin?

X Reduces Alex’s androgyny
X Relies a bit too heavily on “girly” cliches
X Outfit looks more impractical

If you don’t know how to install it for Minecraft? just look below, we’ll provide you with a short tutorial there. This installation guide should work with all Minecraft versions. To see the Official Download Links just scroll down.

How do I change my Minecraft skin to Alex Reloaded?

Want to make this new version of Alex your own Minecraft skin? Great! Then read on to go through our step by step process on how to upload the Alex Reloaded skin for yourself.

If you play Minecraft through the Java version of the game, you must access if you’d like to make changes to your current skin. This is easy though, so don’t worry. Simply go to and log in. From there find the ‘skin’ section under ‘profile’. Once you’re here go to the bottom of the page where it says upload, and either drag or select the downloaded Alex Reloaded png from the downloaded zip file.

If you play on Windows 10, simply use the in-game skin menu to change your Minecraft skin. Go to the Minecraft main menu and select the icon beneath your Minecraft avatar. This will take you to the skin menu where you can upload the png file.

P.S – Make sure to use the slim model when changing your skin.


Alex Reloaded Skin for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Alex Reloaded Skin

Alex Reloaded Skin DOWNLOAD

Pack submitted by BrainD34D

5/5 - (1 vote)


Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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