Complementary Shaders 1.18.2 → 1.17.1

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published June 30, 2021
Updated: June 30, 2021
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published June 30, 2021
Updated: June 30, 2021

Complementary Shaders 1.18.2 is not one of the most famous Shaders however it does what it was created to do. It makes the game look more alive.

Plenty of the Minecraft players you see on YouTube or Twitch are commonly using Shaders. This is because most of them already have high-spec computers which can easily run Minecraft without even heating up or eating-up a portion of it's resources.


One of the unique features of the shader we are reviewing today is it's fog of war effect which isn't very common.

When used with a PvP texture pack, you can actually experience good frame rates and awesome visuals both at the same time.


What is Complementary Shaders 1.18.2

Complementary 1.18.2 shaders is a Minecraft visual enhancement mod which helps your game to look more immersive.

It is best combined with Faithful 128x as the graphics boost that this shader provides highly complements that particular texture pack. This shader gives your game better contrasting in colors and provides darker pallets. 

This Shader is not a household name but it does the job. One of the most notable features is the enhanced outlines.

But, if you are a fan of realistic texture packs this might not be the right fit for you. It is better used with the vanilla textures as it fits into that theme. The clouds and skybox looks great, but the water might need to get reworked.

Is Complementary 1.18.2 Shaders Worth the Download

We think this shader deserves to be given a shot. Truth be told there are other options out there. Our Top Minecraft Shaders list contains some of the more powerful alternatives.

But still, if you want to try a shader which has decent performance and strong outlines then it will be a good option to try this shadermod out.

This Shader will require you to download Optifine first before you can actually use it. It opens up new visual customization options for you.

At the same time it will enable access to a new video setting called Shaders from where you can pick and activate this visual enhancement mod.


  • Provides as super immersive fog of war effect
  • Nice and crisp colors which are warm yet vibrant
  • Awesome looking clouds which are very realistic


  • Some outlines a bit to clear making it seem a bit cartoony
  • Water looks too thick
  • Shades and shadows still have plenty of room for improvement

1.18.2 Complementary Shaders Preview

Astralex Shaders 1.17.1 - 2

How to Download Complementary Shaders 1.18.2:

Step 1: How to Download from

If this is your first time downloading from our site, rest assured downloading from minecraft-resourcepacks is safe.  Before downloading review the basics of how to download a pack here.

Step 2: Download Optifine

Before attempting to download and install, you need to have Optifine to ensure the texture pack will run properly.

Step 3: Download Texture Pack

To start, download the zip file from the link below. Place the zip file into your Minecraft Resource Pack folder.

To find the folder easily, go to Minecraft’s options menu and navigate to resource packs>open resource pack folder. Alternatively, use the table below to see which file directory your folder is stored in.

File Locations of Minecraft Resource Packs Folder:






~/Library/Application Support/minecraft



With the resource pack folder open, place the zip file inside. Finally, activate the texture pack in-game via Minecraft’s resource pack menu on the game menu. free download links

Complementary Shaders 1.18.2 Download

Below you can see legit downloads for Minecraft texture pack named Complementary Shaders 1.18.2. Click on the button to download now.

Does this shadermod not meet the needs you want? Well don't go anywhere. We have an extensive list of the Top 10 Minecraft Shaders which you can download from. 

We also have a huge list of other shaders available. You can download them all absolutely free of charge.

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Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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