Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published February 20, 2020
Updated: February 20, 2020
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published February 20, 2020
Updated: February 20, 2020

Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2 is a resource pack for Minecraft 1.15.2 that’s all about that sweet, sweet PVP goodness. Battle your way through hordes of enemies with this utilitarian and practical resource pack. Read on to find out more!

What is Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2?

Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2 is a PVP-focused pack that offers a less overwhelming PVP experience compared to other packs. If you’re a big PVP player, but find the pack options to be too much or too garish, then Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2 is an excellent option for you.

Is Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2 fun to play with?


I try out a lot of PVP resource packs for these reviews. Something that is immediately noticeable when you’ve played with a handful of these packs is how bombastic and over-the-top they can be, resulting in a PVP pack fatigue setting in fairly quickly. So, after installing Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2, you can imagine how refreshing it was to see a PVP pack that stripped away all the unnecessary noise and was hoping to simply present a solid PVP experience.

So, what does Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2 have to offer? Admittedly, it’s not the biggest and most comprehensive pack I’ve tried out, but the simplistic and barebones design is incredibly rare in a space full of explosive PVP packs.

The pack offers your standard PVP pack pieces that have become synonymous with the subgenre of packs. One such commonality is highlighted ore textures, in which ores now have bold and colour coded outlines to help you spot ores even in the most frantic of situations. Likewise, swords have also seen an upgrade, with the creator opting for a much shorter, albeit very faithful texture design.

It manages to do these things without detracting from the actual game. Yes, there’s no cinematic skybox or flashy new hotbar, but this pack allows you to focus on PVP while remaining faithful to the base game. What’s more, it could be easily stacked on top of more wide reaching resource packs that you enjoy playing with.

If you’re a fan of PVP, but not such a big fan of PVP packs, I urge you to give this pack a try. When so many packs are aiming to reinvent Minceraft’s visuals, Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2 manages to offer something unique and simple.

What’s good about Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2?

✔ Very faithful to vanilla Minecraft aesthetic


✔ 16×16 resolution ensures the game’s performance is unaffected

✔ Offers a simplistic and barebones PVP pack option for players

What’s bad about Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2?

X Very simple and could use a bit more content

X Would not recommend the pack to players after ostentatious PVP packs

X Personally, I’m not a fan of the sword designs

How to install Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2

Installing Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2 is as simple as the pack’s design. But if you’ve never installed a pack before, don’t fret. I’ve put together a short and sweet guide for resource pack installation that will serve you well for Minecraft 1.15.2 and beyond. Check it out below!

First off, download Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2 as a zip file and keep it somewhere on-hand. Next, find Minecraft’s game files and open the folder named ‘resourcepacks’. To do this easily, go to Minecraft’s options menu and navigate to resource packs>open resource pack folder, which will open the folder for you. You can also find the folder by following one of the file directories in the table below:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft


To install Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2, move the zip download file into the ‘resourcepacks’ folder. Make sure to enable Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2 as active afterwards in the Minecraft resource pack menu.

Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2 Preview


Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2 for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2

Daidon PVP Texture Pack UHC 1.15.2 DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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