Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published January 10, 2020
Updated: January 10, 2020
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published January 10, 2020
Updated: January 10, 2020

Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x is a resource pack for Minecraft 1.15 that is unusual, to say the least. The pack adds some trippy effects and boosts the games resolution to 64×64 for a final result that has to be seen to be believed. But is it all smooth with this pack? Or is it more of a bumpy road? Read on to find out more about this bizarre and bumpy resource pack?

What is Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x?

Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x is a resource pack that brings a trippy visual effect to the blocky world of Minecraft. If you’ve ever thought that Minecraft looked too ‘normal’ for your personal taste, then this is the pack for you. Explore a strange, wobbly and bumpy world that appears as equally familiar as it does totally brand new.

What is Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x like to play with?


If I’m honest, I would consider Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x to be a very niche resource pack, which isn’t a bad thing. The pack has a definitive art style and overall goal which is applaudable when so many creators don’t set out with any intentions in mind when they release their packs to the world.

The main point of Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x is to deliver a surreal and psychedelic look into Minecraft. Very reminiscent of the online software DeepDream, the pack employs lots of dream-like patterns and hallucinogenic imagery to create a trippy visual style.

The downside to all of this is pretty obvious: you won’t want to play very long with a pack that is very visually confusing. Good for a quick romp or for a specific adventure map perhaps, but I found after just a short time of playing that I was soon over the pack’s wild effects and was longing for a more simplistic pack instead. Frankly, it seems like a shame as the pack does have a consistency about that deserves some positive mention, and the overall gimmick that the pack has is quite humorous, at least on a conceptual level.

Although not for everyone, Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x offers an experience in Minecraft that might just be one-hundred percent totally unique, and for this stage of Minecraft’s now 10 year history, that’s quite an achievement. If you’re simply curious or just after a strange trippy experience whilst playing Minecraft, then now is your chance. Just make sure to stay away from those weird brownies.

What are the pros of Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x?

✔ Adds weird and wonderful visual effect to Minecraft


✔ Increases texture resolution to 64×64

✔ Doesn’t negatively affect the game’s performance

What are the cons of Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x?

X Very strange visual effect that can cause eye fatigue

X Not really recommended as a long term resource pack

X Would be considered a very niche pack to use

How do I install Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x

Not sure how to install a resource pack? Keen to experience the strangeness of Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x for yourself? Look no further, as we’ve supplied a handy guide for everything you need to know about installing packs for Minecraft 1.15. Check it out below!

First off, download Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x. The file will come as a zip, but you don’t need to open it. Now you need to find and open your ‘resourcepack’ folder for Minecraft. To do this, open the game and go to the options menu. From here, select resource pack settings section and click ‘open resource pack folder’ at the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, go through your files manually by using the table of file directories below:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft

Drop the download from earlier into the resource pack folder. Also make sure to enable Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x as active in the game’s resource pack menu.

Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x Preview

Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x - 1 Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x - 2

Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x - 3

Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x

Bumpy 1.15 Texture Pack 64x DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

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Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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