Spring Fort Castle – Minecraft Dungeon

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published December 3, 2019
Updated: December 3, 2019
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published December 3, 2019
Updated: December 3, 2019
Spring Fort Castle – Minecraft Dungeon is a dungeon map that warms the bottom of my old blocky heart. It’s absolutely full of charm and whimsy that just left a huge smile on my face. Even if you’re the toughest player around you won’t be able to resist the relaxed atmosphere of this map. Interested? Read on to find out why this map should be the next on your Minecraft map list. 

What is Spring Fort Castle – Minecraft Dungeon?

Spring Fort Castle is an odd map in that it doesn’t quite fit fully into any category. It’s part minigame, part adventure, part build map, so its not thee most typical map to say the least. The map centres around the eponymous Spring Fort Castle and tasks you at finding 8 hidden diamonds so that you can make your claim as owner of the illustrious structure.

What’s Spring Fort Castle – Minecraft Dungeon like to play?

All I want to say about this map is that it is fun. It’s very fun. It’s not overly complex, combative or overflowing with content, but it is very enjoyable. Essentially you’re on an easter egg hunt, and you need to locate 8 diamonds hidden about the map. The diamonds are dotted all around so you get a nice opportunity to check out all areas of the fort and see the care and detail put into the design.


The eponymous Spring Fort Castle is a beautifully designed and constructed build that basically feels like a fully-fledged town. The town’s fortifications are detailed and visually striking with banners floating in the breeze and villagers going about their day in the fort’s many homes and buildings. Many map creators don’t have the skill or time to dedicate to making their creations feel like organic worlds but this map has managed to do so.

It almost feels like a starting area in a much larger RPG game where you might begin the first steps of your long quest or journey. I’m a big fan of builds that look good with limited materials or size, so this map gets big thumbs up from me in that regard. It uses space very well and the size of the fort feels appropriate for what the map is supposed to be, and I never felt like I was too cramped or that I could ever get lost.

The only real downside to this map is that it is fairly short. After you’ve completed the main goal there’s not a lot to do despite the map’s pretty architecture. It would be great if the map could be expanded to include other structures with the same minigame, as it was fun to have a bit of an egg hunt within Minecraft. Ultimately, if you’re after a short but fun hour or so in Minecraft, I can highly recommend Spring Fort Castle.

What’s good about Spring Fort Castle – Minecraft Dungeon?

✔Great build quality

✔Wholesome experience and simple goal

✔Friendly and enjoyable atmosphere

What’s not so good about Spring Fort Castle – Minecraft Dungeon?

X Would benefit from further development

X Not much to do after completion of main goal

X I wish the main quest was longer

How to install Spring Fort Castle – Minecraft Dungeon

Won you over with our rundown and review? Then use our guide below on how to install custom maps for Minecraft.

The first step is to, as you might have guessed, download the map. This will come as a zip file. Don’t worry if you don’t have software such as Winrar to open zip files, you won’t need to access any of the contents in the download. Now, once the download is complete, move the zip file to you Minecraft ‘saves’ folder. Not sure where that is? That’s okay. Use the table below to see which directory your save folder will be in depending on your OS

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft

Once you’ve found the folder, copy and paste or move the downloaded zip file into it. Now when you go into Minecraft and access the singeplayer save list, you will be able to select the Spring Fort Castle map.

Spring Fort Castle – Minecraft Dungeon Preview

Spring Fort Castle - Minecraft Dungeon - 1 Spring Fort Castle - Minecraft Dungeon - 2

Spring Fort Castle - Minecraft Dungeon - 3

Spring Fort Castle – Minecraft Dungeon for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for Spring Fort Castle – Minecraft Dungeon

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

5/5 - (1 vote)


Have you used this pack or having trouble downloading and installing? Leave a comment below!


Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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