RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map – Minecraft Dungeon

Published by Peter Schwartz
Published December 2, 2019
Updated: December 2, 2019
Published by Peter Schwartz
Published December 2, 2019
Updated: December 2, 2019

RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map – Minecraft Dungeon is a very simple but very stylish dungeon map. It’s as stripped back as you can possibly get. Though the clever Minecraft map-making going on behind the scenes might just surprise you. Got you interested in this reachable roguelike? Keep reading to see if this map is worth your time.

What is RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map – Minecraft Dungeon?

RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map is a dungeon map that keeps things simple. It’s a roguelike, so expect randomly generated rooms, loot and lots of baddies. What’s interesting about this one though is its style. Unlike most dungeon maps this map actually has quite stylish interiors and rather than progress through an open set of dungeon rooms, this map has you going through a maze of rooms, unlocking doors with a set amount of keys you start each dungeon with.

What’s RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map – Minecraft Dungeon like to play?


Using keys to determine your own path within the random dungeons was a very unique and enjoyable dungeon experience. It was nice dungeon crawl through a different setting that wasn’t so…dungeon-like. The build quality is simple, but effectively designed. Using some clever redstone and command block knowledge, the map randomly generates rooms full of loot, monsters, gear and more keys that will help you progress on your journey and upgrade your equipment.

A hub area expansion would have been nice. The map is hovering high in the clouds, which is noticeable from one of the windows of the hub, so there’s plenty of room to expand into more types of dungeons, as well as merchant areas and other player rewards. It’s a shame that the fun runs out so soon as the quality of the map is commendable.


I just wish there was more incentive to play longer other than the sheer fun of chopping up your enemies and looting procedurally generated treasure chests.

If you’re into roguelikes and want to relive your favourite video game genre in Minecraft, this is a great place to start. The inherent joy of roguelike mechanics are still present and the slick presentation of the map keeps things flowing smoothly and you never feel like you’re playing a regular Minecraft map.

The command block use is clever and you won’t see any cracks in the facade unless you take a step outside the map. Overall a very good roguelike map, and my biggest complaint is that I wish there was more content to play around with.

All in all, if you like roguelikes you should give this map a try. Either solo or with friends this map can give you a number of entertaining of hours of hack and slash action while you make your way through the stylish dungeon rooms, collecting loot, and overall just having a good time.

What’s good about RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map – Minecraft Dungeon?

✔Unique and well-made roguelike map

✔Simple concept but very well executed

✔Smooth and stripped back experience

What’s not so good about RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map – Minecraft Dungeon?

X Needs more updates and development

X Doesn’t offer enough incentive for extended play

X Could use an expanded hub world

How to install RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map – Minecraft Dungeon

After speaking about the map for a few paragraphs, it has me wanting to jump in again! If you’d like to join me in experiencing some roguelike adventures, use the guide below on how to install custom dungeon maps for Minecraft.

As you might guess, the first step is to download the zip world file for RougeLike Dungeon Crawler. If you don’t have any file extractor software to open zip files, don’t worry. You won’t need to mess with any files to get this map working. Once the download is complete, move the zip file into your Minecraft ‘saves’ folder. You can find this easily by using the handy table below:

OS Location
Windows %APPDATA%\.minecraft
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Linux ~/.minecraft

Found the folder? Great! Now just copy and paste or simply move the zip download into the saves folder. When that’s done, you’ll be able to access the RougeLike map from your singleplayer save list.

RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map – Minecraft Dungeon Preview

RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map - Minecraft Dungeon - 1 RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map - Minecraft Dungeon - 2

RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map - Minecraft Dungeon - 3

RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map – Minecraft Dungeon for Minecraft Download Links

Below is where you can find download links for RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map – Minecraft Dungeon

RougeLike Dungeon Crawler Map – Minecraft Dungeon DOWNLOAD

At the end of the day, if you want to play Minecraft you first need to download OptiFine! There are millions of players in Minecraft make sure that you are using fair mods which does not disrupt or bother gameplay of other players.

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Peter Schwartz


My name is Peter Schwartz or better known as Mr.MCRP. I am an Avid Minecraft fan since it was first released in 2009. I gathered a group of smart and awesome Minecraft fans as well and we have compiled tons and tons of texture packs and we have dedicated it to help you - fellow fans to get the best texture packs ever.

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